0.2.0 • Published 2 months ago

@yearone-io/universal-assistant-protocol v0.2.0

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Universal Assistant Protocol - Architecture Diagram

graph LR

subgraph User Identity
    UP[Universal Profile - LSP0]
    subgraph LSP0 Components
        LSP1[UP Universal Receiver Delegate - LSP1]
    UP --> ERC725X
    UP --> ERC725Y
    UP --> LSP1
    KM[Key Manager - LSP6] -->|Manages Access| UP

Tokens[Digital Asset Contracts - LSP7/LSP8 or Other Payloads] -->|Send Transactions| UP

UP -->|Delegates to| URDuap[UAP - Universal Receiver Delegate]

URDuap -->|Accesses Configurations from| ERC725Y

URDuap -->|Evaluates| Filters

URDuap -->|Invokes| Assistants

Assistants -->|Modify| Value_and_Data[Value and Data]

Assistants -->|Interact with| ThirdParties[Third Parties, ex: Vault]

URDuap -->|Defaults to| LSP1

%% Style Definitions
classDef uapClass fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

%% Apply Styles to UAP Components
class URDuap uapClass
class Filters uapClass
class Assistants uapClass

Detailed Component Descriptions and Interactions

1. Universal Profile (UP) - LSP0


  • ERC725X: Allows for executing generic function calls.
  • ERC725Y: Provides a key-value data store for arbitrary data.
  • Universal Receiver Delegate (LSP1): Handles incoming transactions and messages.


  • Acts as the user's on-chain identity.
  • Stores configurations and preferences via the ERC725Y key-value store.
  • Delegates transaction handling to the Universal Receiver Delegate.


  • Receives transactions from Digital Asset Contracts (LSP7/LSP8).
  • Delegates incoming transactions to the URDuap.
  • Access controlled by the Key Manager (KM).

2. Key Manager (KM) - LSP6


  • Manages permissions and access control for the UP.


  • Controls who can modify the UP's data and configurations.
  • Ensures only authorized entities can interact with sensitive functions.


  • Manages access to the UP.
  • Enforces permission checks for actions on ERC725X and ERC725Y.

3. Digital Asset Contracts - LSP7/LSP8


  • Represent fungible (LSP7) and non-fungible (LSP8) tokens within the LUKSO ecosystem.


  • Send transactions to the UP.
  • Trigger the Universal Receiver Delegate upon asset transfer or interaction.

4. Universal Receiver Delegate for UAP (URDuap)


  • The UAP's implementation of the Universal Receiver Delegate.
  • Replaces or extends the default LSP1 delegate in the UP.


  • Handles incoming transactions based on typeId.
  • Accesses user configurations from ERC725Y.
  • Retrieves Assistants associated with the typeId.
  • For each Assistant, retrieves Filters associated with it.
  • Evaluates Filters to determine whether to invoke the Assistant.
  • Invokes Assistants that pass the filter evaluation.
  • Updates value and data based on Assistant's execution.
  • Defaults to standard LSP1 behavior if no configurations are found or no Assistants are invoked.


  • Delegated to by UP: UP delegates transaction handling to URDuap.
  • Accesses configurations from ERC725Y: Reads user-defined Assistants and Filters.
  • Evaluates Filters: Determines eligibility of Assistants.
  • Invokes Assistants: Calls the execute function of eligible Assistants.
  • Updates Value and Data: Modifies transaction data based on Assistants' output.
  • Defaults to LSP1: Falls back to default behavior if no actions match.

5. ERC725Y Data Store


  • Provides a key-value storage mechanism for the UP.


  • Stores configurations, including mappings from typeId to Assistants.
  • Stores Filters associated with each Assistant.
  • Accessible by URDuap to retrieve necessary data.


  • Accessed by URDuap for configurations.
  • Manages mappings such as:
    • UAPTypeConfig:<typeId>AssistantAddresses[]
    • UAPAssistantFilters:<assistantAddress>FilterData[]
  • Managed through ERC725Y interface with access control via KM.

6. Filters


  • Define criteria to evaluate whether an Assistant should be invoked.


  • Each Filter is associated with an Assistant.
  • Contains:
    • filterLogicAddress: Address of the contract that performs the evaluation logic.
    • matchTarget: Expected boolean result to decide Assistant invocation.
    • instructions: Additional data required for evaluation.
  • Evaluated per Assistant to determine eligibility.


  • Evaluated by URDuap for each Assistant.
  • URDuap calls evaluate function on the filterLogicAddress with transaction data and instructions.
  • The result is compared with matchTarget to decide on Assistant invocation.

7. Assistants


  • Modular contracts performing specific actions upon invocation.


  • Implement an execute function to process transaction data.
  • Can modify value and data for subsequent processing.
  • May forward content to external entities (e.g., Vaults).
  • Return updated value and data to URDuap.


  • Invoked by URDuap after filters pass.
  • Receive current value and data from URDuap.
  • Return updated value and data.
  • May interact with Third Parties.

8. Vault Contracts - LSP9


  • Secure storage for assets managed by Assistants.


  • Hold assets redirected by Assistants (e.g., unwanted tokens).
  • Provide interfaces for users to access or manage stored assets.


  • Assistants interact with Vaults to store assets.
  • Ensure secure separation from the main UP.

9. Default Universal Receiver Delegate (LSP1)


  • The standard Universal Receiver Delegate implementation.


  • Handles incoming transactions in the default manner.
  • Provides basic processing when no user-defined actions apply.


  • URDuap Defaults to This Behavior: If no applicable Assistants are found.
  • Assistants May Not Invoke LSP1 Directly: Assistants handle specific actions independently.

Detailed Universal Assistant Protocol Transaction Flow

    participant User
    participant LSP7_Token as LSP7/LSP8 Token Contract
    participant UP as Universal Profile (ERC725Y)
    participant URDuap
    participant ERC725Y as ERC725Y Data Store
    participant Assistant1 as Assistant 1
    participant Assistant2 as Assistant 2
    participant AssistantN as Assistant N
    participant FilterLogic as Filter Logic Contract
    participant ThirdParty as Third Party
    participant LSP1 as Default Universal Receiver Delegate (LSP1)

    %% Step 1: User initiates a transaction (e.g., token transfer) to their Universal Profile
    User->>LSP7_Token: Transfer tokens or send payload to UP
    LSP7_Token->>UP: Notify Transfer (typeId, data)

    %% Step 2: Universal Profile delegates handling to URDuap
    UP->>URDuap: Call universalReceiverDelegate(caller, value, typeId, data)

    %% Step 3: URDuap retrieves Assistants based on typeId
    URDuap->>ERC725Y: Get OrderedAssistantAddresses for typeId
    ERC725Y-->>URDuap: Return AssistantAddresses [Addr1, Addr2, ..., AddrN]

    %% Step 4: URDuap processes each Assistant in order
    loop For each AssistantAddress in AssistantAddresses
        alt Assistant is available
            %% URDuap retrieves Filters associated with the Assistant
            URDuap->>ERC725Y: Get Filters for AssistantAddress
            ERC725Y-->>URDuap: Return Filters [Filter1, Filter2, ...]

            %% Step 5: URDuap evaluates Filters
            loop For each Filter in Filters
                URDuap->>FilterLogic: Evaluate(notifier, value, typeId, data, instructions)
                FilterLogic-->>URDuap: Return result (true/false)

                %% Compare result with matchTarget
                alt result == matchTarget
                    %% Filter passes, proceed
                    %% Filter does not match, skip Assistant
                    URDuap->>URDuap: Skip to next Assistant

            %% Step 6: Invoke Assistant's execute function
            URDuap->>Assistant: execute(notifier, value, typeId, data)
            Assistant-->>URDuap: Return (value, data)

            %% Assistant may interact with Third Parties
            alt Assistant forwards content
                Assistant->>ThirdParty: Forward processed content

            URDuap->>URDuap: Update value and data
            %% Assistant is not available or disabled; skip

    %% Step 7: Finalize transaction handling
    alt No Assistants were invoked
        URDuap->>LSP1: Invoke default behavior
        LSP1-->>URDuap: Return actionData
    URDuap->>UP: Return final actionData or confirmation
    UP->>User: Confirm transaction processing

Flow Explanation

  1. User Initiates Transaction:

    • The User interacts with the LSP7 Token Contract to transfer tokens to their Universal Profile (UP).
    • The LSP7 Token Contract notifies the UP of the transfer, including typeId and data.
  2. Delegation to URDuap:

    • The UP delegates the handling to the URDuap by calling universalReceiverDelegate(caller, value, typeId, data).
  3. Retrieving Assistants Based on typeId:

    • URDuap queries the ERC725Y Data Store for an ordered list of Assistant Addresses associated with typeId.
  4. Processing Each Assistant in Order:

    • URDuap loops through each Assistant in the retrieved order.
    • Checks Assistant Availability: Skips if the Assistant is unavailable or disabled.
  5. Evaluating Filters:

    • For each Assistant, URDuap retrieves associated Filters from ERC725Y.
    • URDuap evaluates each Filter using the Filter Logic Contract.
    • Compares the result with matchTarget to decide if the Assistant should be invoked.
    • If any filter fails to match, URDuap skips to the next Assistant.
  6. Invoking Assistant's execute Function:

    • If all filters pass, URDuap invokes the Assistant's execute function.
    • Assistant processes the transaction, potentially modifying value and data.
    • Assistant may interact with Third Parties.
    • URDuap updates value and data based on the Assistant's output.
  7. Finalizing Transaction Handling:

    • After all Assistants are processed, URDuap may invoke LSP1 if no Assistants were invoked.
    • URDuap returns the final action data to the UP.
    • The UP confirms the transaction processing to the User.

Detailed Component Roles

  1. Universal Receiver Delegate (URDuap):

    • Orchestrates transaction handling.
    • Retrieves and evaluates Assistants and their Filters.
    • Invokes eligible Assistants via execute function.
    • Updates transaction data based on Assistants' output.
    • Defaults to standard behavior if necessary.
  2. ERC725Y Data Store:

    • Stores configurations for Assistants and Filters.
    • Provides data retrieval for URDuap.
  3. Assistants:

    • Modular contracts performing specific actions.
    • Implement execute function to process data.
    • May modify value and data.
    • Can interact with Third Parties.
  4. Filters:

    • Define criteria for Assistant invocation.
    • Contain evaluation logic via filterLogicAddress.
    • Use matchTarget to determine eligibility.
  5. Filter Logic Contract:

    • Evaluates Filters based on provided instructions.
    • Returns boolean results for comparison.
  6. LSP7 Token Contract:

    • Initiates transactions to the UP.
    • Triggers the URDuap upon token transfers.