0.5.0 • Published 2 years ago
akamai-api-tools v0.5.0
Akamai API Tools
Library to facilitate using Akamai {OPEN} APIs
Local .edgerc file with valid Akamai client API credentials (Authenticate with EdgeGrid)
getDatesRelative(endDateOffset = 0, daysPrior = 1, returnEndDateObj = false)
Returns formatted start/end timestamps for a range of days
Parameter | Type | Description |
endDateOffset | Int | Days prior to today for end date (e.g. 0 = through midnight today UTC) |
daysPrior | Int | Number of days prior to endDate to include in report (e.g. 1 day, 5 days, etc.) |
returnDateObj | Boolean | Include endDate Date object in response array |
Output (array)
Type | Description |
String | Formatted timestamp for start of period |
String | Formatted timestamp for end of period |
Date object | Date object equivalent for end period |
getDatesToFriday(weeksBack = 0, weeks = 1, returnEndDateObj = false)
Custom use case: Report is run each week between Monday - Thursday morning for the prior week ending last Friday (a buffer since data for prior two days is not final)
Parameter | Type | Description |
weeksBack | Int | Weeks prior to last week (0 = last week ending Friday) |
weeks | Int | Number of weeks prior to endDate to include in report |
returnDateObj | Boolean | Include endDate Date object in response array |
Output (array)
Type | Description |
String | Formatted timestamp for start of period |
String | Formatted timestamp for end of period |
Date object | Date object equivalent for end period |
async getTopCpcodes(accountSwitchKey, startDateFormatted, endDateFormatted, count=10, measurement='hits', level='edge', products=[])
Returns the top CP codes by hits or bytes for a given time period
Parameter | Type | Description |
accountSwitchKey | String | Send empty '' value if not known which default to own account |
startDateFormatted | String | Formatted Akamai API timestamp for start of reporting period |
endDateFormatted | String | Formatted Akamai API timestamp for end of reporting period |
count | Int | number of CP codes to return in array |
measurement | String | 'hits' or 'bytes' |
level | String | 'edge' or 'origin' |
products | Array | Limit reporting data to specific products e.g. 'Ion Standard' |
Output (array)
Type | Description |
Object | Log details from API request |
Array | Array of top CP code IDs |
async getReportData(reqObj)
Get content from an Akamai {OPEN} API
Input (object)
Object key | Type | Description |
path | String | API endpoint path |
method | String | GET or POST |
accountSwitchKey | String | Ignore if not known (for Akamai employees) |
body | Object | Varies by API, may be an empty but is required — see Tech Docs for details |
dataProperty | String | JSON key within response to return (E.g. 'data') |
params | String | Optional: List of additional URL parameters unique to a specific API |
startDate | String | Required if needed by API -- see Tech Docs for details |
endDate | String | Required if needed by API -- see Tech Docs for details |
interval | String | Required if needed by API -- see Tech Docs for details |
groupId | String | Required if needed by API -- see Tech Docs for details |
contractId | String | Required if needed by API -- see Tech Docs for details |
headers | String | Optional: Additional headers which can change response (E.g. 'PAPI-Use-Prefixes': false) |
arrayToObject | Boolean | Optional: Return object instead of array |
objectKey | String | Required if arrayToObject is true, specifies what value in each array to use as object key |
Output (array)
Type | Description |
Object | Log details from API request |
Array or Object | API response, limited to the object property identified in 'dataProperty' request object |
Sample request for account CP codes (response: object)
const cpcodeDetails = await apiTools.getReportData({
path: '/cprg/v1/cpcodes',
method: 'GET',
accountSwitchKey: '',
body: {},
dataProperty: 'cpcodes',
arrayToObject: true,
objectKey: 'cpcodeId'
Sample request for property (response: array)
const propertyHostnames = await apiTools.getReportData({
path: `/papi/v1/properties/${property.propertyId}/versions/${propertyVersion}/hostnames`,
method: 'GET',
headers: {'PAPI-Use-Prefixes': false},
accountSwitchKey: '',
groupId: property.groupId,
contractId: property.contractId,
body: {},
dataProperty: 'hostnames.items'
Convert Property Mananger API (PAPI) product ID to a human-friendly product name
Parameter | Type | Description |
productId | String | PAPI product ID (E.g. 'Fresca') |
Output (array)
Type | Description |
String | Human-friendly product name (E.g. 'Ion Standard') |
Standard method to get length of variable which can be an string, array, or object
Parameter | Type | Description |
input | String, Array, or Object | Variable to determine length |
Output (array)
Type | Description |
Int | Legnth of string, number of array elements, or number of object keys |