0.0.39 • Published 4 years ago

american-golf-kiosk v0.0.39

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago

American Golf Kiosk

Table of Contents



View the documentation for the Salesforce Open Commerce API

Project Documentation

Documentation specific to this project can be found in the docs/ folder of this repository

Electron-Webpack Documentation

View the documentation online for electron-webpack


Folder structure

├── dist                # The compiled output of the source code
├── docs                # Documentation for the project
├── out                 # The built electron apps
└── src
    ├── main            # Contains all code for the main thread of the electron app
    └── renderer        # Contains the react app that runs on the renderer thread
        ├── api
        ├── assets      # Images, icons, logos and fonts
        ├── components  # (Usually) stateless, re-usable components
        ├── config
        ├── schemas     # Data schemas for the app
        ├── store       # Redux reducers, actions and store
        ├── styles      # Re-usable styles
        ├── types       # Type definitions
        ├── utils       # Re-usable utility functions
        └── views       # React "views", which contain state and child components


# run application in development mode
yarn dev

# compile source code and create webpack output
yarn compile

# build a production version of the windows 32-bit kiosk app
yarn build:win32

# build a production version of the mac kiost app
yarn build:mac