1.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

apostrophe-media-sources v1.1.0

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Last release
3 years ago


A set of modules that ease the browsing and import of web-compatible image content from various media sources, including the Wedia DAM and Unsplash, into Apostrophe's media library.

How to install

You need to already have an Apostrophe project in which you will install apostrophe-media-sources. This module will override apostrophe-images, adding the possibility to browse different image providers.

For now, apostrophe-media-sources-unsplash``apostrophe-media-sources-wedia have been implemented. These modules are part of the apostrophe-media-sources bundle, so you don't need to separately install them.


When using this module, your site cannot be edited in the IE11 browser. This site does not affect the experience of ordinary logged-out site visitors in IE11.


To configure the modules in this bundle, you should add apostrophe-media-sources itself and the connector modules of your choice in app.js, like this:

    modules: {
      'apostrophe-media-sources': {},
      'apostrophe-media-sources-unsplash': {
        accessKey: 'my-access-key'
      'apostrophe-media-sources-wedia': {
        script: {
          // You will get your own subdomain ("xyz" below) when you sign up with Wedia
          src: 'https://xyz.wedia-group.com/asset-picker/wedia-content-picker.js',
          server: 'https://xyz.wedia-group.com',
          name: 'WediaContentPicker',
          options: {} // optional - pass options to the wedia content picker -


If you prefer not to store keys in your source code, you can use an environment variable, like this:

accessKey: process.env.UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY

Create your own connector

Example with an API

What we call a connector is a module which connects the Apostrophe image library to a specific provider. Most connectors will be based on an API offered by the provider, and use a universal user interface provided by this module, as with Unsplash. A few will use a custom "picker" UI script offered directly by the provider instead.

For the API approach, each connector module must have a mediaSourceConnector option:

    self.options.mediaSourceConnector = {
      standardFilters: [
          name: 'orientation',
          // For some providers, certain filters can be accessed only if another is set
          dependsOn: [ 'search' ]
          name: 'search'
      customFilters: [ // You can add custom filters for a specific provider
          name: 'color',
          label: 'Color',
          type: 'select',
      propertyLabels: { // You can modify the labels of the preview form
        likes: 'Number Of Likes'
      totalResults: 5000, // Total of results you want to return
      perPage: 20 // Results per page

Here are all the standard filters handled by apostrophe-media-sources:

  • Search
  • Orientation (Notice that your choices method should return some for this filter)

For these you do not have to provide a label or a type.

For custom filters, you must provide label and type, which currently may only be select.

A connector must have at least three methods declared in its construct. These will be called by apostrophe-media-sources:

  • self.find = async (req, filters): Fetches data from the provider, taking into account the filters object. Returned images should be formatted as an array. Each entry should be formatted in the following manner:
    mediaSourceId, // The image ID from the provider
    width, // Number
    height, // Number
    thumbLink, // For listing
    previewLink, // For preview button
    likes, // Number
    tags, // Array of strings
    downloadLink, // Download Url
  • self.download = async (req, file, tempPath): Given a file, which must be one of the objects returned in the array by find, this method must download that file to the specified local filesystem folder, tempPath. The method must then return the image file name within that folder, with its extension. apostrophe-media-source will take care of the attachment and image piece creation, as well as deleting the temporary image after the import operation is complete.

  • self.choices = async (req, filters) This method should return the available choices for all available filters, taking into account the previously chosen values in the filters object. If practical the set of choices provided for each filter should be reduced to take into account the choices already made for other filters, but not itself. This method is executed during every search. The return value must be an object with a property for each filter. The value of the property is an array of choices with value and label properties.

Example with a DAM-provided "picker" script

If a provider furnishes a "picker" or "chooser" script to be used to select media via a custom user interface, the connector module must have:

  • a public/js/user.js file, starting the provider's script.
  • a index.js file pushing the user.js file as a script asset in the user scene, with placeholder empty methods for find and choices and a fully implemented download method.

user.js would look like this. For this example we'll communicate with an imaginary picker script called SomeThirdPartyPicker:

apos.on('ThirdPartyPickerLoaded', ({ domElement, mediaSourceConnector }) => {
  window.ThirdPartyPicker.picked(imageRecords => {
    try {
      imageRecords = imageRecords.map(imageRecord => {
        return {
          mediaSourceId: imageRecord.originalId,
          title: imageRecord.label
          // et cetera — convert the format from the third party picker to
          // the format given above for the return value of "find"
      apos.notify('Download started.', { dismiss: true });
      const imageIds = await apos.utils
        .post(`${mediaSourceConnector.action}/download`, {
          files: imageRecords,
          connector: mediaSourceConnector.name
      apos.emit('refreshImages', imageIds);
      apos.notify('Download succeeded.', {
        type: 'success',
        dismiss: true
    } catch ({ status }) {
      const message = status === 404
        ? 'This image was not found in the third party system.'
        : 'An error occurred when downloading from the third party system.';

      apos.notify(message, { type: 'error' });

Configuration of your module in index.js will then look like:

  'third-party-connector': {
    script: {
      src: 'https://url-that-loads-the-picker-script-goes-here',
      // Event name, must be unique
      name: 'ThirdPartyContentPicker',
      // additional options custom to your picker can be accessed
      // in user.js as properties of the mediaSourceConnector parameter

3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago