0.0.6 • Published 8 years ago

appmanifest v0.0.6

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Last release
8 years ago


Validate web app manifest (http://w3c.github.io/manifest)

* Tries to follow the Spec as it is (as much as possible)

Try it online -


This project is still under active development. Ideas and contributions welcome :)


npm install appmanifest



// result is the processed manifest object
var result = manifestParser({
  manifest: "<manifest json string>",
  manifestUrl: "https://example.com/manifest.json", // this is required to validate some urls
  documentUrl: "https://example.com/" // this is also required to validate some urls
  logger: function() { return { warn() {}, error(){}, log(){} } } // optional

If you don't want to pass manifestUrl and documentUrl, just use example.com urls as mentioned above.

Capture errors and warnings

You can pass your custom logger and capture all errors and warnings to compile and display later. The signature of the logger function is this.

function Logger (name /* name of the param currently validated */) {
  return {
    warn(message) {
      // do your stuff
    error (message) {
      // do your stuff
    log (message) {
      // do your stuff


const parse = require('appmanifest').manifestParser;


  1. You can bundle this with webpack / browserify
  2. Generate your dist - npm run dist
  3. Get it from CDN - https://npmcdn.com/appmanifest@latest/dist/manifest-parser.min.js

The library when obtained as a built bundle, exports UMD with ManifestParser as the name.


If you're using the cdn URL, you need to use ManifestParser.default({});



Spec: http://w3c.github.io/manifest/#processing

This helps in identifying possible mistakes in your manifest.json file in the following fields.

  • start_url
  • display
  • orientation
  • name
  • lang
  • short_name
  • icons
  • splash_screens
  • scope
  • related_applications
  • prefer_related_applications
  • theme_color
  • background_color

* The unchecked ones are not yet implemented

Installability Signals

Spec: http://w3c.github.io/manifest/#installability-signals

This tool is to identify from a URL, warnings about some of your app installability signals - to make it more installable - Does it even mean anything? Yes. It's a thing now. Live with it.

  • link associativity with manifest & contains at least name and a suitable icon
  • Served over HTTPS
  • CSP

* The unchecked ones are not yet implemented

Note: There are a few others that cannot be checked with this tool. Feel free to visit the link mentioned above to help making your manifests better and give the browser possible installability signals.


Contributions and ideas are always welcome. Create an issue to discuss.



MIT License - http://boopathi.mit-license.org/