0.1.6 • Published 8 years ago

asynciteration v0.1.6

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8 years ago

asynciteration NPM version

A library of Promise-based iteration methods with great async/await support and Flow typings.


Simply do: npm install asynciteration.


const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

await forEach(arr, async function (item, index, collection) {
	await someAsyncStuff(item);
	await someOtherAsyncStuff(item, index, collection);
// Continues execution from here when all items has been iterated through.

Or the same with Promises:

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

forEach(arr, (item, index) => {
	return new Promise(resolve => {
		someOtherAsyncStuff(item, index).then(resolve);
}).then(() => {
	// Continues execution from here when all items has been iterated through.



  • Fixed a few typing errors.


  • New behavior for whileCondition(). If a return statement appears inside the body with a value other than 'undefined', the loop will break and the whileCondition will return the value. For instance:
let isAwesome = await whileCondition(() => true, async () => {
	 await awesomeStuff();
	if (somethingHasChangedNow) return true;
// isAwesome will be 'true' if 'somethingHasChangedNow' is true.

This makes it possible to use the return statement like a break statement in a traditional while-loop.


  • Fixed documentation. Added a new method: forRange().


  • Made Promise-checks more strict to comply with Flow v0.32.


  • Fixed a typing error.


  • Updated package dependencies and keywords.


  • Rebuilt without lodash for smaller footprint.
  • Added new flexible versions: - asynciteration.js: The standard version, transpiled to ES5 and with inlined dependencies. - external.js: Transpiled to ES5 but with external dependencies for code sharing. - native.js - ES-modules and inlined dependencies. - native-external.js - ES-modules and external dependencies for code-sharing. - typed.js - ES-modules, flow typings and external dependencies for code-sharing.


  • Fixed a bug with iterating through HTMLCollection or NamedNodeMap collections.


  • Now works for string objects and array-like objects.
  • Fixed a few tests.


  • Fixed typing errors.


  • Rewritten with Generics. Stricter but more precise declarations of handler arguments.


  • Rewritten with optional Flow typings. To use it, import from "asynciteration/typed" instead. Note that you will need to compile flow typings down to readable Javascript using Babel or something similar.
  • Wrote tests for empty collections.
  • Empty collections will now properly resolve promises.


  • Empty collections shouldn't throw RangeError exceptions when the startFrom value is 0.


  • First release. Has the methods forEach, map, filter and whileCondition


Import it in your project like this:

import {forEach, ...} from "asynciteration" // (standard) Transpiled to ES5, inlined dependencies.;
// or

import {forEach, ...} from "asynciteration/external" // Transpiled to ES5, external dependencies.
// or

import {forEach, ...} from "asynciteration/native" // Transpiled to ES5, native ES-modules, inlined dependencies.
// or

import {forEach, ...} from "asynciteration/native-external" // Transpiled to ES5, native ES-modules external dependencies.
// or

import {forEach, ...} from "asynciteration/typed" // Flow typings, ES-modules, external dependencies.

The iterators are all based on Promises which means that they work well with async/await too.

They follow the forEach conventions for Array and Map instances.

All methods are strict and will fail hard with relevant errors if the input data isn't valid.



Collection<T>:  Array<T>|Map<any,T>|{length: number}|string;

VoidHandler<T>: (item: T, key?: any, collection?: Collection<T>) => Promise<void>|void;

ValueHandler<T>: (item?: T, key?: any, collection?: Collection<T>) => Promise<?any>|?any;

BooleanHandler<T>: (item?: T, key?: any, collection?: Collection<T>) => Promise<boolean>|boolean;

EmptyHandler: () => Promise<void>|void;

Handler<T> = EmptyHandler | VoidHandler<T> | ValueHandler<T> | BooleanHandler<T>;

interface Normalized<T> = {
	size: number,
	get: (item: number) => T,
	arrayLike: Array<[any, T]>,
	collection: Collection<T>


An async forEach loop. Calls the provided handler with the same arguments as the collection's native 'forEach' method.


forEach<T> (collection: Collection<T>, handler: VoidHandler<T>, startFrom: number = 0, waitForNextFrame: boolean = false): Promise<void>


  • collection: Collection<T> - The collection to iterate over.

  • handler: VoidHandler<T> - The function to invoke for each iteration. Follows defaults argument positions for 'forEach' methods on arrays and maps.

  • startFrom: number = 0 - Optionally, the index to start from. Useful if you want to "skip" the tail of the collection.

  • waitForNextFrame: boolean = false - Optionally, if each iteration call should be pushed to the end of the current execution queue.



Example 1 - with an array:

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

await forEach(arr, async function (item, index, collection) {
	await someAsyncStuff(item);
	await someOtherAsyncStuff(item, index, collection);
// Continues execution from here when all items has been iterated through.

Example 2 - with a Map:

const map = new Map([
	["a", 1],
	["b", 2]

await forEach(map, async function (value, key, collection) {
	await someAsyncStuff(value);
	await someOtherAsyncStuff(key, value, collection);
// Continues execution from here when all items has been iterated through.


An async range. Will iterate for as many times as given in the argument 'range'.


forRange (range: number, handler: VoidHandler, waitForNextFrame: boolean = false): Promise<void>


  • range: number - The amount of times to iterate.

  • handler: VoidHandler<T> - The function to invoke for each iteration. Is invoked with arguments: (index: number, range: number).

  • waitForNextFrame: boolean = false - Optionally, if each iteration call should be pushed to the end of the current execution queue.




const range = 10;

await forRange(range, async function (index, range) {
	await someAsyncStuff(index);
	await someOtherAsyncStuff(item, range);
// Continues execution from here when all numbers in the range has been iterated through.


An async map function. Generates a new array of all the values that is returned by the handler.


map<T> (collection: Collection<T>, handler: ValueHandler<T>, startFrom: number = 0, waitForNextFrame: boolean = false): Promise<any[]>


  • collection: Collection<T> - The collection to iterate over.

  • handler: ValueHandler<T> - The function to invoke for each iteration. Follows defaults argument positions for 'forEach' methods on arrays and maps. Returns either a Promise that will resolve with the mapped value or the mapped value itself.

  • startFrom: number = 0 - Optionally, the index to start from. Useful if you want to "skip" the tail of the collection.

  • waitForNextFrame: boolean = false - Optionally, if each iteration call should be pushed to the end of the current execution queue.


Promise<any[]> - The mapped array.

Example 1 - with an array:

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

const mappedArr = await map(arr, async function (item) {
	await someAsyncStuff(item);
	return item * 2;

console.log(mappedArr); // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20];

Example 2 - with a Map:

const mapCollection = new Map([
	["a", 1],
	["b", 2]

const mappedArr = await map(mapCollection, async function (value, key) {
	await someAsyncStuff(value);
	return value * 2;

console.log(mappedArr); // [2, 4];


An async filter function. Generates a new array of all the values that the handler returns truthy values for.


filter<T> (collection: Collection<T>, handler: BooleanHandler<T>, startFrom: number = 0, waitForNextFrame: boolean = false): Promise<T[]>


  • collection: collection: Collection<T> - The collection to iterate over.

  • handler: BooleanHandler<T> - The function to invoke for each iteration. Follows defaults argument positions for 'forEach' methods on arrays and maps. Returns either a Promise that will resolve with a boolean value or a boolean.

  • startFrom: number = 0 - Optionally, the index to start from. Useful if you want to "skip" the tail of the collection.

  • waitForNextFrame: boolean = false - Optionally, if each iteration call should be pushed to the end of the current execution queue.


Promise<T[]> - The filtered array.

Example 1 - with an array:

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

const filteredArr = await filter(arr, async function (item) {
	await someAsyncStuff(item);
	return item % 2 === 0;

console.log(mappedArr); // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];

Example 2 - with a Map:

const map = new Map([
	["a", 1],
	["b", 2]

const mappedArr = await filter(map, async function (value, key) {
	await someAsyncStuff(value);
	return value % 2 === 0;

console.log(mappedArr); // [2];


Calls the provided handler for as long as the given condition function returns a truthy value.


whileCondition (conditionMethod: () => boolean, handler: EmptyHandler): Promise<void>


  • conditionMethod: () => boolean - A function that returns a boolean. As long as it is truthy, the handler will be called infinitely.

  • handler: EmptyHandler - The function to invoke as long as the condition returns a truthy value.


Promise<?any> - A promise that will resolve with 'undefined' or the a value if a 'return' statement happens inside the body with a value other than 'undefined'.


let result = 0;

await whileCondition(() => result <= 10, async function () {
	await someAsyncStuff();

// Comes here after 10 iterations.

Example 2:

If a return statement appears inside the body with a value other than 'undefined', the loop will break and the whileCondition will return the value. For instance:

let isAwesome = await whileCondition(() => true, async () => {
	 await awesomeStuff();
	if (somethingHasChangedNow) return true;
// isAwesome will be 'true' if 'somethingHasChangedNow' is true.

This makes it possible to use the return statement like a break statement in a traditional while-loop.


8 years ago


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