0.2.1 • Published 5 years ago

babel-plugin-csstag v0.2.1

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5 years ago


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Babel plugin for compiling CSS Modules in csstag's tagged templates to actual styles for production.

You can find examples for webpack and rollup here: https://github.com/sgtpep/csstag/tree/master/babel-plugin-csstag/examples.

Usage with webpack

In webpack.config.js override imports of csstag with a replacement stub script babel-plugin-csstag/csstag:

  resolve: {
    alias: {
      csstag: 'babel-plugin-csstag/csstag',

In webpack.config.js enable a Babel plugin babel-plugin-csstag:

import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel';
  module: {
    rules: [
        exclude: /\/node_modules\//,
        test: /\.js$/,
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',
          options: {
            plugins: ['babel-plugin-csstag'],
            presets: ['@babel/env'],

Usage with rollup

In rollup.config.js override imports of csstag with a replacement stub script node_modules/babel-plugin-csstag/csstag.js (replace an object key csstag with an exact import path that you used in your app, which may also be './node_modules/csstag/index.min.js'):

import alias from 'rollup-plugin-alias';
  plugins: [
      csstag: 'node_modules/babel-plugin-csstag/csstag.js',

In rollup.config.js enable a Babel plugin babel-plugin-csstag:

import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel';
  plugins: {
      plugins: ['babel-plugin-csstag'],
      presets: ['@babel/env'],


To pass options add an object with them to your Babel config:

plugins: [
  ['babel-plugin-csstag', { tag: 'custom' }],
  • tag: A name of a tag function if you used something other than css (default: css).

All other provided options will be passed to csstag as is. They should be the same as ones you used in runtime if any.