shell-escape-tag, but with a much smaller install size
shell-escape-tag, but with a much smaller install size
An ES6 template tag which escapes parameters for interpolation into shell commands
A dead simple babel-plugin for translating texts in React applications
Minimal React css-in-js styled components.
Reusable dynamic tagged templates
ES6 String Tagged Template for use with Node.JS
A normative substitution tagged-template function (s// replacement for js).
Use CSS Modules as tagged templates in a browser and Node.js.
Babel plugin for compiling CSS Modules in csstag's tagged templates to actual styles for production.
A github emoji parser with syntactic sugar.
Babel plugin for compiling CSS Modules in csstag's tagged templates to actual styles for production.
Replace your template engine with fast JavaScript by leveraging the power of tagged templates.
Remove unnecessary tagged templates at compile time.
Here are some handy tagged template functions to make your ES6 template literals work better!
Tiny tagged-template parser and stringify
Terminal and Console string styling done right.
Utility to remove indentation from strings
A github emoji parser with syntactic sugar.