1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

backend-stories v1.0.0

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Last release
3 years ago

Back End Stories

This is a microservice of friends stories using node.js/typescript following the principles of Clean Architecture.

How to use this repo?

git clone create git repo for your MS remove all example files about the device management git remote origin set-url GITURL

Run the app

First build your JS files:

npm run build

It will perform a simple tsc command to generate the JS code.

Then run the server:

npm start

It will trigger the following: tnode dist/index.js --config ./src/app.conf.json.

App configuration

Your app is gonna need some vars to run such as db host or option to use db mock, db password, jwt secure string, and many more.

The choice have been made to use nconf.

That's where you'll have to setup your vars and put more if you need more. Just don't forget to setup the getter and the types in src/config/config.ts following the ones that are already there.