2.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

backup-mongo-to-s3 v2.0.0

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2 years ago


A module that makes database backup and uploads to s3.


This module involves the following steps. 1. Make DB backup on disk. 2. Make a zip file out of localbackup. 3. Delete the local-backup directory. 4. Upload the zip file to s3. 5. Delete zip file, if 'keepLocalBackups' parameter is not set to true. 6. Delete outdated cloud backup zip files, outdated refers to zip files older than the latest 'noOfTotalBackups'.


  1. Require the module.
  2. Use the init method to pass argument object.
  3. Use the start method to start the process.
  4. Compatible with cron-job to schedule backup-process.


1.  mongodbUri       : MANDATORY | <string>    | e.g. "localhost:27017"
2.  backupDir        : MANDATORY | <string>    | e.g. "/tmp/backupDir"                    => The path to the directory, where localDB will be dumped.
3.  zipPath          : MANDATORY | <string>    | e.g. '/tmp/backup.zip'                   => The path where the backupDir is zipped to.
4.  key              : MANDATORY | <string>    | e.g. "jfdasdlkfjfdak3al2lkasdfjlk"       => aws s3 key value.
5.  secret           : MANDATORY | <string>    | e.g. "fdjaksdf_e34jk53wlksdj2092jk"      => aws s3 secret value.
6.  region           : MANDATORY | <string>    | e.g. 'us-southwest-01'                   => the region name of the s3 bucket. 
7.  bucket           : MANDATORY | <string>    | e.g. 'scheduled-backups'                 => The name of the bucket, where backup zips will be posted to.
8.  dir              : MANDATORY | <string>    | e.g. 'backupDir'                         => The directory in the bucket, where zips are stored into.
9.  name             : OPTIONAL  | <string>    | default : 'backup'                       => The alias with which we want to store our backup.zip by.
10. debugMode        : OPTIONAL  | <boolean>   | default : false                          => Enable logs from module, if false, module simply throws.
11. keepLocalBackups : OPTIONAL  | <boolean>   | default : false                          => retain or delete localBackup.
12. noOfTotalBackups : OPTIONAL  | <number>    | default : 7                              => The no. of latest n-backup to keep, older ones are automatically deleted.


const module = require ('backup-mongo-to-s3');

// Take note of the MANDATORY and OPTIONAL parameters.
const config = {
		mongodbUri       : <string>,
		backupDir        : <string>,
		zipPath          : <string>,
		keepLocalBackups : <boolean>,
		noOfTotalBackups : <number>,
		debug            : <boolean>,

		s3         : {
			key     : <string>,
			secret  : <string>,
			region  : <string>,
			bucket  : <string>,
			name    : <string>,
			dir     : <string>,

// synchronous method.
module.init (config);

// asynchronous method.
module.start ();