0.3.0 • Published 7 years ago

bierstadt v0.3.0

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Last release
7 years ago


Automated thematic print cartography with node.js and d3.js

The Domes of the Yosemite - Albert Bierstadt, 1867


npm install bierstadt -g


bierstadt -t my_project -o svg -c https://gist.githubusercontent.com/wboykinm/e45cc5ec086b63339c6df8c880be9171/raw/4d331ae99eb6f1244ea90ebe12ae40e5d4fb99c7/active_wells.csv


  • -t, --title (REQUIRED) Project name; will be used to create working directory and files (e.g. '/bierstadt/proj_title/')
  • -o, --output-type One of svg or pdf - default is svg (PDF not actually supported yet - hold tight)
  • -h, --theme-geometry (OPTIONAL) One of point or polygon- must be used in tandem with a *-source argument:
  • -c, --csv-source (OPTIONAL) Path or URL to .csv file of points to be rendered on the output map (e.g. '/home/ubuntu/files/file.csv') - must be styled and added
  • -g, --geojson-source (OPTIONAL) Path or URL to .geojson file of features to be rendered on the output map (e.g. '/home/ubuntu/files/file.geojson') - must be styled and added
  • -p, --topojson-source (OPTIONAL) Path or URL to .topojson file of features to be rendered on the output map (e.g. '/home/ubuntu/files/file.topojson') - must be styled and added
  • -m, --maki-icon (OPTIONAL) - name of desired maki icon for rendering points provided in a csv-source
  • -s, --color-scheme (OPTIONAL) - A 3-letter month abbreviation representing the bimodal color scheme you want to use for polygon styling. Default is jan.
  • -d, --data-type (OPTIONAL) - For thematic maps, a numeric formatting type of fraction, percent, or raw - defaults to fraction