1.0.5 • Published 5 years ago

binoculars v1.0.5

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Last release
5 years ago
  ____ ___ _   _  ___   ____ _   _ _        _    ____  ____  
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 |  _ \| ||  \| | | | | |   | | | | |     / _ \ | |_) \___ \
 | |_) | || |\  | |_| | |___| |_| | |___ / ___ \|  _ < ___) |
 |____/___|_| \_|\___/ \____|\___/|_____/_/   \_\_| \_\____/

A tool for drawing relationships between source code files.

Disclaimer: This is very much a work-in-progress tool. Apologies in advance.


  • npm run build - do a per file conversion from /src to /lib
  • npm run build.cli - convert cli
  • npm run build.source - convert files
  • npm run cost - regenerate the costfile
  • npm run dist - generate files
  • npm run lint - lint the javascript files
  • npm run meta - run the tool on itself
  • npm run meta.auto - regenerate the tool and then run it on itself
  • npm run meta.debug - run the meta calls with DEBUG=binoculars:*
  • npm run meta.debug.multi - run the meta.multi call with DEBUG=binoculars:*
  • npm run meta.debug.single - run the meta.single call with DEBUG=binoculars:*
  • npm run meta.multi - run a multi meta call
  • npm run meta.single - run a single meta call
  • npm run mkdir.coverage - mkdirp coverage
  • npm run precommit - the tasks auto-run before commits dist' 'nps test' 'nps cost'
  • npm run publish - the tasks to run at publish-time
  • npm run test - run lint and tests
  • npm run test.covered - run covered tests
  • npm run test.log - run tests and save logfile
  • npm run test.watch - run your tests continuously