Find the module object for something that was require()d
Find the module object for something that was require()d
walk the dependency graph to generate json output that can be fed into browser-pack
pack node-style source files from a json stream into a browser bundle
Find all require() calls. Fast and solid implementation backed with direct scanner and esprima AST parser
Flexible tool for translating any dialect of JavaScript into Node-readable CommonJS modules
Minimal JavaScript module loader
Enable ECMAScript 2015 modules in Node today. No caveats. Full stop.
walk the dependency graph to generate json output that can be fed into browser-pack
node.js utility for exporting a directory of files as modules.
Parse and load environment files (containing ENV variable exports) into Node.js environment, i.e. `process.env`.
Export directories and their files as node.js modules.
walk the dependency graph to generate json output that can be fed into browser-pack
CommonJS to ES2015 modules (export/import) transformation plugin for Babel
Match require statements in a string. Returns an array of matching require statements. Each match is an object with line number, variable name, and module name. Statements in code comments are ignored.
Load plain JavaScript files that don't use module patterns directly in node.
creates a module.exports map for all modules in a directory
Does the current node version have support for the "exports" field in package.json?
Yet another ui exports for mocha, but one that rocks!
A tiny (952b), correct, general-purpose, and configurable "exports" and "imports" resolver without file-system reliance
Transforms export default x or export { x as default } to export = x for CommonJS module type declaration export