Find the module object for something that was require()d
Find the module object for something that was require()d
Convert a string to a valid safe filename
Regular expression for matching reserved filename characters
Regular expression for matching file names, with or without extension.
Pollyfill for node.js `path.parse`, parses a filepath into an object.
Write data to a random temporary file
Sanitize a string for use as a filename
Slugify a string
Unique file name with streams support
Eslint rule for consistent filenames.
Convert a URL to a valid filename
Temporary files, directories or names!
Modify the filename in a path
Create a revved file path
Create a temporary path
A regular expression that matches a CHANGELOG filename
Get the basename of a filepath excluding extension.
Get an unused filename by appending a number if it exists: `file.txt` → `file (1).txt`
Babel plugin that returns an object containing paths like __dirname and __filename as static values
Check if a string is a valid filename