Generate a cryptographically strong random string
Generate a cryptographically strong random string
Generate a unique random string
Generate a slug just like GitHub does for markdown headings.
Slugifies a String
Remove any existing casing from a string.
Convert a string to space case.
Slugify a string
Convert a camelcase or space-separated string to a dash-separated string. ~12 sloc, fast, supports diacritics.
Slug generator with less than 1 KB and no dependencies, RFC 3986 compliant
slugifies even utf-8 chars!
Generate a slug – transliteration with a lot of options
Unicode to ACSII transliteration / slugify module for node.js, browser, Web Worker, ReactNative and CLI.
rehype plugin to add `id` attributes to headings
Convert a string to slug case.
Make strings url safe (with no dependencies)
Node.js module to generate URL slugs. Another one? This one cares about i18n and transliterates non-Latin scripts to conform to the RFC3986 standard. Mostly API-compatible with similar modules.
Simple case conversion and detection for strings.
Convert a npm package name into a safe-to-use variable name. Use as a mixin in Yeoman generators.
➔ Schema-based slug plugin for Mongoose ✓ single⋮compound ✓ unique within collection⋮group ✓ nested docs⋮arrays ✓ relative⋮abs paths ✓ sync on change: create⋮save⋮update⋮updateOne⋮updateMany⋮findOneAndUpdate ✓ $set operator ✓ counter⋮shortId
Slugify a React node