Transform into a lower case with spaces between words, then capitalize the string
Transform into a lower case with spaces between words, then capitalize the string
Transform a string into title case following English rules
Remove any existing casing from a string.
Join all elements of an array and create a human-readable string
Convert a string to sentence case.
Simple case conversion and detection for strings.
retext plugin to check spacing (one or two spaces) between sentences
Split text into sentences with Sentence Boundary Detection (SBD).
List of words for making random mnemonic sentences
Blast text apart to make it manipulable.
Return a random sentence populated by semi-pronounceable random (nonsense) words.
Split a English sentence without any spaces nor accents, into words.
Tokenize paragraphs into sentences, and smaller tokens.
Capitalize each sentence
Sentencer is a string templating engine for madlibs-style sentence generating.
Util for generating random sentences, paragraphs and articles in English
A fast and flexible joiner for iterables and arrays with a tiny footprint
String manipulation library
A JS script to extract sentences from a piece of text (Advanced checking)
CLDR text segmentation for JavaScript