Node.js releases data
Node.js releases data
A regular expression that matches a CHANGELOG filename
Generate a URL for opening a new GitHub release with prefilled tag, body, and other fields
Make a new GitHub release from git metadata.
Generate changelogs with a single command
Interact with the GitHub releases API
Make a new GitLab release from git metadata.
A node-pre-gyp module which provides the ability to publish to GitHub releases.
Stand-alone release tracker for Opbeat
Creates and downloads github releases
Returns a promise with new versions higher than given for a npm module
Make a new GitHub release using conventional-github-releaser
Grunt SSH deployment
A set of CLI commands to develop, package, and release web apps that use ES6
A node-pre-gyp module which provides the ability to publish and install to/from GitHub releases.
Checks for latest NodeJS versions
A CLI to manage causal trees
The RepoDog new-monorepo module.
The RepoDog new-repo module.
The RepoDog helpers module.