Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.
Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.
A regular expression that matches a CHANGELOG filename
Fetches and manages remotely-hosted assets and updates to your app's JS bundle.
Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.
Automate the updating of your package.json packages with a grunt task
State synchronization between multiple clients
X-Hub-Signature Express Middleware
Groups npm packages into monorepo releases so Greenkeeper can update them together
check for updated package.json dependencies
watch for insertions,deletions, updates, and truncations
Scan your project to find quality issues
Like npm-check-updates but supports Lerna monorepos and enforces strict semver values
Update immutable objects as if they were mutable with copy-on-write
Web sockets for Solid
uhooks with propagated states
Lightweight library based on ImmutableJS to handle optimistic updates
Set key=val in .json files
Find newer versions of dependencies than what your package.json or bower.json allows
Ups your package.json dependencies to latest. Opinionated. Respectless.
Checks if a newer version is available for command line interfaces