Get the latest version of an npm package
Get the latest version of an npm package
Ensure that when you `npm publish`, the "latest" tag is only set for the truly latest version.
Make sure multiple calls to a promise returning function always resolve with the value from the most recent call
Determine the latest available version of a package in npm
Get the current version of your project
Get the latest stable semver version from an array of versions
Get URLs to download mozilla products from
Determine the lastest Node or npm version.
Get the latest commit message in a git repository.
Get the latest (LTS) node.js version and versions of its modules.
Compare dependencies in package.json to the latest available versions.
Utility function to get the latest cleaned stable SemVer version from GitHub releases.
Checks for latest NodeJS versions
Combine latest for pull streams
Combine a stream with the latest value from another stream
node-version-resolver compiled into javascript
Quickly find the latest version of a package in npm.
Babel preset including only needed ES2015+ plugins
Get the latest version of an npm package
Finds latest semver from the package or git tag