Export Ethereum smart contract ABIs on compilation
Export Ethereum smart contract ABIs on compilation
Get the latest commit message in a git repository.
svn version-control project
GitHub/Git assistant CLI
Export Solidity contract ABIs on compilation
Integration of Git into Brackets
react native version control
VERsion Controlled Application STate: A version control system for application state.
Integration of Git into Brackets
Pairing stats based on git log commits
Route version control library.
A Simple Tool for Version-Controlled Publishment
Break Feature Fix CLI version control.
Git hooks made easy
Run and view Ungit in Brackets. Ungit is a "Clean and intuitive UI that makes it easy to understand git." Requires Git and npm to be installed, works together with Brackets-Git.
Integration of Git into Quadre
Control the versions in your config.xml of your cordova projects
A lightweight npm package that automatically generates and updates code documentation during the pre-push Git hook, ensuring up-to-date documentation with every push.
Control the versions in your config.xml of your cordova projects
An Unofficial Speckle Connector for Unity from Sasaki