1.6.1 • Published 3 years ago

browserstack v1.6.1

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3 years ago


A node.js JavaScript client for working with BrowserStack through its REST API (aka Javascript Testing API), Automate API, App Automate API, and Screenshots API.


npm install browserstack


var BrowserStack = require("browserstack");
var browserStackCredentials = {
	username: "foo",
	password: "p455w0rd!!1"

var client = BrowserStack.createClient(browserStackCredentials);

client.getBrowsers(function(error, browsers) {
	console.log("The following browsers are available for testing");

// Automate API
var automateClient = BrowserStack.createAutomateClient(browserStackCredentials);

automateClient.getBrowsers(function(error, browsers) {
	console.log("The following browsers are available for automated testing");

// App Automate API
// Show the upload builds for mobile app automation
var appAutomateClient = BrowserStack.createAppAutomateClient(browserStackCredentials);

appAutomateClient.getBuilds(function(error, builds) {
	console.log("The following builds are available for app automated testing");

// Screenshots API
var screenshotClient = BrowserStack.createScreenshotClient(browserStackCredentials);

screenshotClient.getBrowsers(function(error, browsers) {
	console.log("The following browsers are available for screenshots");



browser objects

A common pattern in the APIs is a "browser object" which is just a plain object with the following properties:

  • os: The operating system.
  • os_version: The operating system version.
  • browser: The browser name.
  • browser_version: The browser version.
  • device: The device name.

A browser object may only have one of browser or device set; which property is set will depend on os.

worker objects

Worker objects are extended browser objects which contain the following additional properties:

  • id: The worker id.
  • status: A string representing the current status of the worker. * Possible statuses: "running", "queue".

project objects

Project objects are plain objects which contain the following properties:

  • id: The id of the project.
  • name: The name of the project.
  • created_at: When the project was created.
  • updated_at: When the project was most recently updated.
  • user_id
  • group_id

build objects

Build objects are plain objects which contain the following properties:

  • hashed_id: The hashed if of the build.
  • name: The name of the build.
  • status: The status of the build.
  • duration

extended build objects

Extended build objects are build objects with the following additional properties:

  • id: The id of the build.
  • automation_project_id: The id of the project this build belongs to.
  • updated_at: When the build was created.
  • created_at: When the build was most recently updated.
  • delta
  • tags
  • user_id
  • group_id

session objects

Session objects are extended browser objects which contain the following additional properties:

  • hashed_id: The hashed ID of the session.
  • name: The name of the session.
  • build_name: The name of the build this session belongs to.
  • project_name: The name of the project this session belongs to.
  • status: The status of the session.
  • browser_url: The most recenly loaded URL the worker.
  • duration: The duration in seconds that the session has been active.
  • logs: The URL for the session logs.
  • video_url: The URL for the session video.
  • reason: The reason the session was terminated.

screenshot job objects

Screenshot job objects are plain objects which contain the following properties:

  • job_id: The id of the job.
  • state: The state of the job.
  • win_res: The screen resolution for browsers running on Windows. May be one of: "1024x768", "1280x1024".
  • mac_res: The screen resolution for browsers running on Mac OS X. May be one of: "1024x768", "1280x960", "1280x1024", "1600x1200", "1920x1080".
  • orientation: The screen orientation for devices. May be one of: "portrait", "landscape".
  • quality: The quality of the screenshot. May be one of: "original", "compressed".
  • wait_time: The number of seconds to wait before taking the screenshot. May be one of: 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 60.
  • local: Boolean indicating whether a local testing connection should be used.
  • browsers: A collection of browser objects indicating which browsers and devices to take screenshots with.

screenshot state objects

Screenshot state objects are extended browser objects which contain the following additional properties:

  • id: The id of the screenshot object.
  • state: The state of the screenshot.
  • url: The URL of the page the screenshot was generated from.
  • thumb_url: The URL for the screenshot thumbnail.
  • image_url: The URL for the full-size screenshot.
  • created_at: The timestamp indicating when the screenshot was generated.


Note: For earlier versions of the API, please see the wiki.


Creates a new client instance.

  • settings: A hash of settings that apply to all requests for the new client. username: The username for the BrowserStack account. password: The password for the BrowserStack account. version (optional; default: 4): Which version of the BrowserStack API to use. server (optional; default: { host: "api.browserstack.com", port: 80 }): An object containing host and port to connect to a different BrowserStack API compatible service. * proxy (optional; default: null): Proxy server supporting HTTPS to be used for connecting to BrowserStack (or settings.server). e.g. "http://proxy.example.com:1234"


Gets the list of available browsers.

  • callback (function(error, browsers)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * browsers: An array of browser objects.

client.createWorker(settings, callback)

Creates a worker.

  • settings: A hash of settings for the worker (an extended browser object). os: See browser object for details. os_version: See browser object for details. browser: See browser object for details. browser_version: See browser object for details. device: See browser object for details. url (optional): Which URL to navigate to upon creation. timeout (optional): Maximum life of the worker (in seconds). Maximum value of 1800. Specifying 0 will use the default of 300. name (optional): Provide a name for the worker. build (optional): Group workers into a build. project (optional): Provide the project the worker belongs to. * browserstack.video (optional): Set to false to disable video recording.
  • callback (function(error, worker)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * worker A worker object.

Note: A special value of "latest" is supported for browser_version, which will use the latest stable version.

client.getWorker(id, callback)

Gets the status of a worker.

  • id: The id of the worker.
  • callback (function(error, worker)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * worker: A worker object.

client.changeUrl(id, options, callback)

Change the URL of a worker.

  • id: The id of the worker.
  • options: Configuration for the URL change. url: The new URL to set. timeout (optional): Set a new timeout for this worker, see createWorker for details.
  • callback (function(error, data)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * data: An object with a message, confirming the URL change.

client.terminateWorker(id, callback)

Terminates an active worker.

  • id: The id of the worker to terminate.
  • callback (function(error, data)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * data: An object with a time property indicating how long the worker was alive.


Gets the status of all workers.

  • callback (function(error, workers)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * workers: An array of worker objects.

client.takeScreenshot(id, callback)

Take a screenshot at current state of worker.

  • callback (function(error, data)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * data: An object with a url property having the public url for the screenshot.

client.getLatest(browser, callback)

Gets the latest version of a browser.

  • browser: Which browser to get the latest version for. See browser object for details.
  • callback (function(error, version)): A callback to invoke when the version is determined. * version: The latest version of the browser.

Note: Since mobile devices do not have version numbers, there is no latest version.


Gets the latest version of all browsers.

  • callback (function(error, versions)): A callback to invoke when the versions are determined. * versions: A hash of browser names and versions.


  • callback (function(error, status)): A callback to invoke when the status is determined. used_time: Time used so far this month, in seconds. total_available_time: Total available time, in seconds. Paid plans have unlimited API time and will receive the string "Unlimited Testing Time" instead of a number. running_sessions: Number of running sessions. sessions_limit: Number of allowable concurrent sessions.

Automate API


Creates a new client instance.

  • settings: A hash of settings that apply to all requests for the new client. username: The username for the BrowserStack account. password: The password for the BrowserStack account. * proxy (optional; default: null): Proxy server supporting HTTPS to be used for connecting to BrowserStack. e.g. "http://proxy.example.com:1234"


Gets information about your group's Automate plan, including the maximum number of parallel sessions allowed and the number of parallel sessions currently running.

  • callback (function(error, plan)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * plan: An object with parallel_sessions_max_allowed, parallel_sessions_running, and automate_plan showing the current state of your plan.


Gets the list of available browsers.

  • callback (function(error, browsers)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * browsers: An array of browser objects.


Gets the list of projects.

  • callback (function(error, projects)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * projects: An array of project objects.

automateClient.getProject(id, callback)

Gets information about a project.

  • id: The ID of the project.
  • callback (function(error, project)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * project: A project object including an array of extended build objects.

automateClient.getBuilds(options, callback)

Gets the list of builds.

  • options (optional): An object containing search parameters. limit: The number of builds to return. Defaults to 10. status: Filter builds based on status. May be one of "running", "done", "failed", "timeout".
  • callback (function(error, builds)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * builds: An array of build objects.

automateClient.getSessions(buildId, options, callback)

Gets the list of sessions in a build.

  • buildId: The hashed ID of the build.
  • options (optional): An object containing search parameters. limit: The number of sessions to return. Defaults to 10. status: Filter sessions based on status. May be one of "running", "done", "failed".
  • callback (function(error, sessions)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * sessions: An array of session objects.

automateClient.getSession(id, callback)

Gets the details for a session.

  • id: The hashed ID of the session.
  • callback (function(error, session)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * session: A session object.

automateClient.updateSession(id, options, callback)

Updates the status of a session.

  • id: The hashed ID of the session.
  • options: An object containing the parameters. * status: New status value. May be one of "completed" or "error".
  • callback (function(error, session)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * session: The updated session object.

automateClient.deleteSession(id, callback)

Deletes a session.

  • id: The hashed ID of the session.
  • callback (function(error, data)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * data: An object with a message, confirming the deletion.

App Automate API


Creates a new client instance.

  • settings: A hash of settings that apply to all requests for the new client. username: The username for the BrowserStack account. password: The password for the BrowserStack account. * proxy (optional; default: null): Proxy server supporting HTTPS to be used for connecting to BrowserStack. e.g. "http://proxy.example.com:1234"


Gets information about your group's App Automate plan, including the maximum number of parallel sessions allowed and the number of parallel sessions currently running.

  • callback (function(error, plan)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * plan: An object with parallel_sessions_max_allowed, parallel_sessions_running, and automate_plan showing the current state of your plan.


Gets the list of projects.

  • callback (function(error, projects)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * projects: An array of project objects.

automateClient.getProject(id, callback)

Gets information about a project.

  • id: The ID of the project.
  • callback (function(error, project)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * project: A project object including an array of extended build objects.

automateClient.getBuilds(options, callback)

Gets the list of builds.

  • options (optional): An object containing search parameters. limit: The number of builds to return. Defaults to 10. status: Filter builds based on status. May be one of "running", "done", "failed", "timeout".
  • callback (function(error, builds)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * builds: An array of build objects.

automateClient.getSessions(buildId, options, callback)

Gets the list of sessions in a build.

  • buildId: The hashed ID of the build.
  • options (optional): An object containing search parameters. limit: The number of sessions to return. Defaults to 10. status: Filter sessions based on status. May be one of "running", "done", "failed".
  • callback (function(error, sessions)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * sessions: An array of session objects.

automateClient.getSession(id, callback)

Gets the details for a session.

  • id: The hashed ID of the session.
  • callback (function(error, session)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * session: A session object.

automateClient.updateSession(id, options, callback)

Updates the status of a session.

  • id: The hashed ID of the session.
  • options: An object containing the parameters. * status: New status value. May be one of "completed" or "error".
  • callback (function(error, session)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * session: The updated session object.

automateClient.deleteSession(id, callback)

Deletes a session.

  • id: The hashed ID of the session.
  • callback (function(error, data)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * data: An object with a message, confirming the deletion.

Screenshots API


Creates a new client instance.

  • settings: A hash of settings that apply to all requests for the new client. username: The username for the BrowserStack account. password: The password for the BrowserStack account. * proxy (optional; default: null): Proxy server supporting HTTPS to be used for connecting to BrowserStack. e.g. "http://proxy.example.com:1234"


Gets the list of available browsers.

  • callback (function(error, browsers)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * browsers: An array of browser objects.

screenshotClient.generateScreenshots(options, callback)

Creates a job to take screenshots.

  • options: A hash of settings for the screenshots. See screenshot job objects for details. url: The URL of the desired page. browsers: A collection of browser objects indicating which browsers and devices to take screenshots with. win_res (optional): Only required if taking a screenshot on Windows. Defaults to "1024x768". mac_res (optional): Only required if taking a screenshot on Mac OS X. Defaults to "1024x768". *orientation(optional): Defaults to"portrait". *quality(optional): Defaults to"compressed". *wait_time(optional): Defaults to5. *local(optional): Defaults tofalse`.
  • callback (function(error, job)): A callback to invoke when the API call is complete. * job: A screenshot job object containing screenshot state objects in place of browser objects.

screenshotClient.getJob(id, callback)

Gets details about the current status of a screenshot job.


To run the full test suite, you must have a BrowserStack account. Run npm test with the BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME and BROWSERSTACK_KEY environment variables set.

To run just the lint checks, run npm lint.


Copyright node-browserstack contributors. Released under the terms of the MIT license.


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