mpd-parser-1 v1.0.0
mpd parser
Table of Contents
npm install --save mpd-parser
// get your manifest in whatever way works best
// for example, by reading the file from the filesystem in node
// or using fetch in a browser like so:
const manifestUri = '';
const res = await fetch(manifestUri);
const manifest = await res.text();
// A callback function to handle events like errors or warnings
const eventHandler = ({ type, message }) => console.log(`${type}: ${message}`);
var parsedManifest = mpdParser.parse(manifest, { manifestUri, eventHandler });
If dealing with a live stream, then on subsequent calls to parse, the previously parsed
manifest object should be provided as an option to parse
using the previousManifest
const newParsedManifest = mpdParser.parse(
// parsedManifest comes from the prior example
{ manifestUri, previousManifest: parsedManifest }
Parsed Output
The parser ouputs a plain javascript object with the following structure:
Manifest {
allowCache: boolean,
contentSteering: {
defaultServiceLocation: string,
proxyServerURL: string,
queryBeforeStart: boolean,
serverURL: string
endList: boolean,
mediaSequence: number,
discontinuitySequence: number,
playlistType: string,
playlists: [
attributes: {},
mediaGroups: {
default: boolean,
autoselect: boolean,
language: string,
uri: string,
instreamId: string,
characteristics: string,
forced: boolean
VIDEO: {},
dateTimeString: string,
dateTimeObject: Date,
targetDuration: number,
totalDuration: number,
discontinuityStarts: [number],
segments: [
byterange: {
length: number,
offset: number
duration: number,
attributes: {},
discontinuity: number,
uri: string,
timeline: number,
key: {
method: string,
uri: string,
iv: string
map: {
uri: string,
byterange: {
length: number,
offset: number
'cue-out': string,
'cue-out-cont': string,
'cue-in': string
Including the Parser
To include mpd-parser on your website or web application, use any of the following methods.
This is the simplest case. Get the script in whatever way you prefer and include it on your page.
<script src="//path/to/mpd-parser.min.js"></script>
var mpdParser = window['mpd-parser'];
var parsedManifest = mpdParser.parse(manifest, { manifestUri });
When using with Browserify, install mpd-parser via npm and require
the parser as you would any other module.
var mpdParser = require('mpd-parser');
var parsedManifest = mpdParser.parse(manifest, { manifestUri });
With ES6:
import { parse } from 'mpd-parser';
const parsedManifest = parse(manifest, { manifestUri });
When using with RequireJS (or another AMD library), get the script in whatever way you prefer and require
the parser as you normally would:
require(['mpd-parser'], function(mpdParser) {
var parsedManifest = mpdParser.parse(manifest, { manifestUri });
Apache-2.0. Copyright (c) Brightcove, Inc
4 months ago