2.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

bs-uchar v2.1.0

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Last release
5 years ago


This is the Uchar compatibility library from OCaml 4.03, backported to OCaml 4.02, and thus BuckleScript (an OCaml-to-JavaScript compiler) versions prior to 6.0.0 (which were forked from OCaml 4.02.3) and Reason (an alternative OCaml syntax targeting that compiler.)

You can safely ignore the installation instructions below when compiling to JS. Instead:

  1. Install this fork through npm:

    npm install --save @elliottcable/bs-uchar
  2. Manually add bs-uchar to your bsconfig.json's bs-dependencies:

     "bs-dependencies": [
    +  "bs-uchar"
  3. Unconditionally and globally open UcharShim in your program, by adding an -open to bsc-flags in your bsconfig.json:

     "bsc-flags": [
    +   "-open UcharShim"

    (The UcharShim module has no contents when compiled on a version of OCaml already containing a Uchar module; and you can safely simply remove the -open flag when you wish to drop support for BuckleScript v4 & v5.)

  4. Use Uchar.t in your program!

    BuckleScript: https://bucklescript.github.io/

    Reason: https://reasonml.github.io/

Original README follows:

Uchar — Compatibility library for OCaml's Uchar module

Release %%VERSION%%

The uchar package provides a compatibility library for the Uchar module introduced in OCaml 4.03.

The uchar package is distributed under the license of the OCaml compiler. See LICENSE for details.

Home page: https://ocaml.github.io/uchar/ Contact: Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>


Uchar can be installed with opam:

opam install uchar

If you don't use opam consult the opam file for build instructions.


Since OCaml 4.03 you can find the module in the documentation of the standard library. Before this you can consult this page.


The file test/testpkg.ml can be used to test the compilation of the package. Once the package is installed the following invocation should succeed both before and after 4.03

ocamlbuild -X src -use-ocamlfind -pkg uchar test/testpkg.native