0.0.4 • Published 8 years ago

caffeinator-hipchat-plugin v0.0.4

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Last release
8 years ago

Atlassian Caffeinator

Is a HipChat bot to manage your coffee runs.

Once installed to a room you can type /help for all of the available commands.

Getting Started

  1. Development setup

    $ npm install
    $ brew install redis
    $ ./ngrok -subdomain <subdomain> 3000
    $ NODE_ENV=development AC_LOCAL_BASE_URL=https://<subdomain>.ngrok.com DATABASE_URL=redit://localhost:6379 nodemon --debug app.js
  2. Install it in your hipchat room


  1. Using IntelliJ, add a "NodeJS Remote Debug" debug config.

  2. Make sure it's using host "" and port "5858"

  3. Debug!

Making changes

Please submit a PR for any changes.

Deploying a change

You will need SSH access to the Heroku instance. If you need a deployment you can ask Leo Balan, John Jiang or Herman Chow.