chartjs-node-canvas v4.1.6
A Node JS renderer for Chart.js using canvas.
Provides and alternative to chartjs-node that does not require jsdom (or the global variables that this requires) and allows chartJS as a peer dependency, so you can manage its version yourself.
npm i chartjs-node-canvas chart.js
- Supports all Chart JS features and charts.
- No heavy DOM virtualization libraries, thanks to a pull request to chart.js allowing it to run natively on node, requiring only a Canvas API.
- Chart JS is a peer dependency, so you can bump and manage it yourself.
- Provides a callback with the global ChartJS variable, so you can use the Global Configuration.
- Uses (similar to) fresh-require for each instance of
, so you can mutate the ChartJS global variable seperatly within each instance. - Support for custom fonts.
Chart animation (and responsive resize) is disabled by this library. This is necessary since the animation API's required are not available in Node JS/canvas-node (this is not a browser environment after all).
This is the same as: = false; = false;
See the API docs.
const { CanvasRenderService } = require('chartjs-node-canvas');
(async () => {
const width = 400; //px
const height = 400; //px
const configuration = {
... // See
const canvasRenderService = new CanvasRenderService(width, height, (ChartJS) => { });
const image = await canvasRenderService.renderToBuffer(configuration);
const dataUrl = await canvasRenderService.renderToDataURL(configuration);
const stream = canvasRenderService.renderToStream(configuration);
Custom Charts
Just use the ChartJS reference in the callback:
const canvasRenderService = new CanvasRenderService(width, height, (ChartJS) => {
// New chart type example:
ChartJS.controllers.MyType = Chart.DatasetController.extend({
// chart implementation
Global Config
Just use the ChartJS reference in the callback:
const canvasRenderService = new CanvasRenderService(width, height, (ChartJS) => {
// Global config example: = 2;
Custom Fonts
Just use the registerFont
const canvasRenderService = new CanvasRenderService(width, height, (ChartJS) => {
// Just example usage = 'VTKS UNAMOUR';
// Register before renderering any charts
canvasRenderService.registerFont('./testData/VTKS UNAMOUR.ttf', { family: 'VTKS UNAMOUR' });
See the node-canvas docs and the chart js docs.
Loading plugins
Newer plugins
Just use the ChartJS reference in the callback:
const canvasRenderService = new CanvasRenderService(width, height, (ChartJS) => {
// Global plugin example:
// plugin implementation
Older plugins
The key to getting older plugins working is knowing that this package uses an equivalent to fresh-require by default to retrieve its version of chart.js
There are some tools you can use to solve any issues with the way older ChartJS plugins that do not use the newer global plugin registration API, and instead either load chartjs itself or expect a global variable:
- Temporary global variable for ChartJs:
const canvasRenderService = new CanvasRenderService(width, height, (ChartJS) => {
global.Chart = ChartJS;
require('<chart plugin>');
delete global.Chart;
This should work for any plugin that expects a global Chart variable.
- Chart factory function for
const chartJsFactory = () => {
const chartJS = require('chart.js');
require('<chart plugin>');
// Clear the require cache so to allow `CanvasRenderService` seperate instances of ChartJS and plugins.
delete require.cache[require.resolve('chart.js')];
delete require.cache[require.resolve('chart plugin')];
return chartJS;
const canvasRenderService = new CanvasRenderService(width, height, undefined, undefined, chartJsFactory);
This will work for plugins that require
ChartJS themselves.
- Register plugin directly with ChartJS:
const freshRequire = require('fresh-require');
const canvasRenderService = new CanvasRenderService(width, height, (ChartJS) => {
// Use 'fresh-require' to allow `CanvasRenderService` seperate instances of ChartJS and plugins.
ChartJS.plugins.register(freshRequire('<chart plugin>', require));
This will work with plugins that just return a plugin object and do no specific loading themselves.
These approaches can be combined also.
Full Example
const { CanvasRenderService } = require('chartjs-node-canvas');
const width = 400;
const height = 400;
const configuration = {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Purple', 'Orange'],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true,
callback: (value) => '$' + value
const chartCallback = (ChartJS) => {
// Global config example: = 2;
// Global plugin example:
// plugin implementation
// New chart type example:
ChartJS.controllers.MyType = ChartJS.DatasetController.extend({
// chart implementation
(async () => {
const canvasRenderService = new CanvasRenderService(width, height, chartCallback);
const image = await canvasRenderService.renderToBuffer(configuration);
const dataUrl = await canvasRenderService.renderToDataURL(configuration);
const stream = canvasRenderService.renderToStream(configuration);
Known Issues
There is a problem with persisting config objects between render calls, see this issue for details and workarounds.
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