1.0.8 • Published 8 months ago

create-boilerplate-express v1.0.8

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Last release
8 months ago


A boilerplate for quickly building RESTful APIs using Express and Mongoose.

Quick Start

npx create-boilerplate-express <your-app-name>

The script automaticly will rename .env.example to .env and the only thing you need to do is to set environment variables.

Or follow this steps if you want to do the installation manualy:

1. Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/vasilignatov/express-boilerplate.git

2. Install dependencies:

npm instal

3. Remame .env.example to .env and set environment variables.


  • Authentication and authorization - passport
  • Error handling - Global error handler
  • Database - MongoDB using Mongoose ODM
  • Environment variables - using dotenv
  • Security - using helmet to set security HTTP headers
  • CORS - enabled using cors
  • Compression - gzip compression with compression
  • Santizing: sanitize request data against xss and query injection


Available routes:

Auth routes\ POST /auth/register - Register route\ POST /auth/login - Login route\ POST /auth/logout - Logout route\ POST /auth/refresh-token - Refresh token route

User routes\ GET /users/ - Get all users\ POST /users/ - Create user\ GET /users/:userId - Get user\ PUT /users/:userId - Update route\ DELETE /users/:userId - Delete route


Authentication for certain routes is done with auth middleware

const router = require('express').Router();
const auth = require('../../middlewares/auth');
const someController = require('../controllers/some.controller');

router.get('/profile', auth, someController.getSomeData);

These routes require a valid JWT access token in the Authorization request header using the Bearer schema. If the request does not contain a valid access token, an Unauthorized (401) error is thrown.

Generating Access Tokens

An access token is generated when a successful request is made to one of the endpoints: POST /auth/register or POST /auth/login endpoints. The response of these endpoints also contains refresh tokens. An access token is valid for 30 minutes. You can modify this expiration time by changing the JWT_ACCESS_EXPIRATION_MINUTES environment variable in the .env file.

Refreshing Access Tokens

After the access token expires, a new access token can be generated, by making a call to the refresh token endpoint (POST /auth/refresh-tokens) and sending along a valid refresh token in the request body. This call returns a new access token and a new refresh token.

A refresh token is valid for 30 days. You can modify this expiration time by changing the JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION_DAYS environment variable in the .env file.


The isAdmin middleware can be used to require certain rights/permissions to access a route.

const express = require('express');
const { auth, isAdmin } = require('../middlewares/auth');
const userController = require('../controllers/user.controller');

const router = express.Router();

router.get('/users', auth, isAdmin, userController.getUsers);

If the user making the request does not have the required admin permissions to access this route, a Forbidden (403) error is returned. Note that the isAdmin middleware is used together with the auth middleware, in the sequence shown above in the example (first auth then isAdmin).


toJSON plugin

The toJSON plugin applies the following changes in the toJSON transform call:

  • removes __v, createdAt, updatedAt, and any schema path that has private: true
  • replaces _id with id
