1.0.15 • Published 2 years ago
create-manish-express-app v1.0.15
This is a template project to setup ExpressJS project in Type-Script as fast ⚡ as possible.
$ npx create-manish-express-app <your_project_name> <yarn/npm>
What does it offers?
- Fastest and easiest possible way to implement an API
- Proper File Structure of ExpressJS
- Multer File Uploader Integrated
- "bcrypt" for Passwords Integrated
- JWT (jsonwebtoken) Integrated
- Basic Login and User CRUD operation APIs
- It will compile in ES2022 JavaScript version
- 'dotenv' Integrated
- Have Collection of HTTP status codes
If you want to make a production-ready code :
$ yarn build
OR for NPM user
$ npm run build