Translate ECDSA signatures between ASN.1/DER and JOSE-style concatenation
Translate ECDSA signatures between ASN.1/DER and JOSE-style concatenation
JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes
Convert a JSON Web Key to a PEM
JSON Web Almost Everything - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWK, JWT, JWKS for Node.js with minimal dependencies
Extension for the prototype of JWT authentication
Lightweight (<320kb unzipped) library to validate Microsoft AzureAD. Written in typescript fully-tested with 100% code coverage.
Decode, sign/resign or verify JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Works in majority of modern browsers, Node.js and other JavaScript runtimes.
Small library for decoding json web tokens (JWT)
express-jwt plugin for token blacklisting
JWT helpers for chai
Json Web Token manger for ExpressJS
Get an array of algorithms allowed to be used with a JWK.
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) verify/sign implementation using W3C Web Cryptography (crypto.subtle).
JSON Web Token based Authentication powered by Keycloak
HTTP JWT Bearer authentication strategy for Passport.
A node module to make service to service communication secure and easy
A thin wrapper that provides promisified methods for the `jsonwebtoken` module.
Helper for easy consumption of JSON Web Tokens
A jwt middleware provider for hermes
JsonWebToken implementation for Hapi.js v17+ with authentication plugin