1.2.4 • Published 4 years ago

cz-emoji-darkdev v1.2.4

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Last release
4 years ago


Commitizen adapter formatting commit messages using emojis.

cz-emoji allows you to easily use emojis in your commits using commitizen.

? Select the type of change you are committing: (Use arrow keys)
❯ feature   🌟  A new feature
  fix       🐞  A bug fix
  docs      📚  Documentation change
  refactor  🎨  A code refactoring change
  chore     🔩  A chore change



npm install --global cz-emoji

# set as default adapter for your projects
echo '{ "path": "cz-emoji" }' > ~/.czrc


npm install --save-dev cz-emoji

Add this to your package.json:

"config": {
  "commitizen": {
    "path": "cz-emoji"


$ git cz


By default cz-emoji comes ready to run out of the box. Uses may vary, so there are a few configuration options to allow fine tuning for project needs.

How to

Configuring cz-emoji can be handled in the users home directory (~/.czrc) for changes to impact all projects or on a per project basis (package.json). Simply add the config property as shown below to the existing object in either of the locations with your settings for override.

  "config": {
    "cz-emoji": {}

Configuration Options


By default cz-emoji comes preconfigured with the Gitmoji types.

An Inquirer.js choices array:

  "config": {
    "cz-emoji": {
      "types": [
          "emoji": "🌟",
          "code": ":star2:",
          "description": "A new feature",
          "name": "feature"


An Inquirer.js choices array:

  "config": {
    "cz-emoji": {
      "scopes": ["home", "accounts", "ci"]


A boolean value that allows for an using a unicode value rather than the default of Gitmoji markup in a commit message. The default for symbol is false.

  "config": {
    "cz-emoji": {
      "symbol": true

Skip Questions

An array of questions you want to skip:

  "config": {
    "cz-emoji": {
      "skipQuestions": ["scope", "issues"]

You can skip the following questions: scope, body, and issues. The type and subject questions are mandatory.

Customize Questions

An object that contains overrides of the original questions:

  "config": {
    "cz-emoji": {
      "questions": {
        "body": "This will be displayed instead of original text"



Commitlint can be set to work with this package by leveraging the package https://github.com/arvinxx/commitlint-config-gitmoji.

npm install --save-dev commitlint-config-gitmoji


module.exports = {
  extends: ['gitmoji'],
  parserPreset: {
    parserOpts: {
      headerPattern: /^(:\w*:)(?:\s)(?:\((.*?)\))?\s((?:.*(?=\())|.*)(?:\(#(\d*)\))?/,
      headerCorrespondence: ['type', 'scope', 'subject', 'ticket']


MIT © Nicolas Gryman


{ emoji: "🔊", code: ":loud_sound:", description: "Adding logs.", name: "log-add" }, { emoji: "🔇", code: ":mute:", description: "Removing logs.", name: "log-rm" }, { emoji: "📝", code: ":pencil:", description: "Writing docs.", name: "docs" }, { emoji: "💬", code: ":speech_balloon:", description: "Updating text and literals.", name: "texts" }, emoji: "📸", code: ":camera_flash:", description: "Adding or updating snapshots", name: "camera-flash" },

// chrome, firefox, safari, mobile ios, mobile anroid. { emoji: "🍎", code: ":apple:", description: "Fixing something on macOS.", name: "osx" }, { emoji: "🐧", code: ":penguin:", description: "Fixing something on Linux.", name: "linux" }, { emoji: "🏁", code: ":checkered_flag:", description: "Fixing something on Windows.", name: "windows" }, { emoji: "🤖", code: ":robot:", description: "Fixing something on Android.", name: "android" }, { emoji: "🍏", code: ":green_apple:", description: "Fixing something on iOS.", name: "ios" }, { emoji: "🚨", code: ":rotating_light:", description: "Removing linter warnings.", name: "lint" }, { emoji: "💚", code: ":green_heart:", description: "Fixing CI Build.", name: "fix-ci" },

// issue { emoji: "🔒", code: ":lock:", description: "Fixing security issues.", name: "security" },

  emoji: "🤡",
  code: ":clown_face:",
  description: "Mocking things.",
  name: "clown-face"
  emoji: "🥚",
  code: ":egg:",
  description: "Adding an easter egg.",
  name: "egg"

  emoji: "🚀",
  code: ":rocket:",
  description: "Deploying stuff.",
  name: "deploy"
  emoji: "✏️",
  code: ":pencil2:",
  description: " Fixing typos.",
  name: "typo"
  emoji: "🐳",
  code: ":whale:",
  description: "Work about Docker.",
  name: "docker"

  emoji: "♿️",
  code: ":wheelchair:",
  description: "Improving accessibility.",
  name: "access"
  emoji: "🍻",
  code: ":beers:",
  description: "Writing code drunkenly.",
  name: "beer"

  emoji: "🙈",
  code: ":see_no_evil:",
  description: "Adding or updating a .gitignore file",
  name: "see-no-evil"
  emoji: "⚗",
  code: ":alembic:",
  description: " Experimenting new things",
  name: "experiment"
  emoji: "☸️",
  code: ":wheel_of_dharma:",
  description: " Work about Kubernetes",
  name: "k8s"
  emoji: "🏷️",
  code: ":label:",
  description: " Adding or updating types (Flow, TypeScript)",
  name: "types"
  emoji: "🌱",
  code: ":seedling:",
  description: "Adding or updating seed files",
  name: "seed"
  emoji: "🚩",
  code: ":triangular_flag_on_post:",
  description: "Adding, updating, or removing feature flags",
  name: "flags"
  emoji: "💫",
  code: ":dizzy:",
  description: "Adding or updating animations and transitions",
  name: "animation"

  emoji: "👥",
  code: ":busts_in_silhouette:",
  description: "Adding contributor(s).",
  name: "contrib-add"
  emoji: "🚸",
  code: ":children_crossing:",
  description: "Improving user experience / usability.",
  name: "ux"

// REMAINS repository
  emoji: "⏪",
  code: ":rewind:",
  description: "Reverting changes.",
  name: "revert"
  emoji: "🔖",
  code: ":bookmark:",
  description: "Releasing / Version tags.",
  name: "release"

// сомнительные управление зависимостями
  emoji: "⬇️",
  code: ":arrow_down:",
  description: " Downgrading dependencies.",
  name: "downgrade"
  emoji: "⬆️",
  code: ":arrow_up:",
  description: " Upgrading dependencies.",
  name: "upgrade"
  emoji: "📌",
  code: ":pushpin:",
  description: "Pinning dependencies to specific versions.",
  name: "pushpin"

  // сомнительное для иннициализации репозитория
  emoji: "👷",
  code: ":construction_worker:",
  description: "Adding CI build system.",
  name: "ci"
  emoji: "🎉",
  code: ":tada:",
  description: "Initial commit.",
  name: "init"
  emoji: "✅",
  code: ":white_check_mark:",
  description: "Adding tests.",
  name: "test"
  emoji: "📄",
  code: ":page_facing_up:",
  description: "Adding or updating license.",
  name: "license"
  emoji: "🍱",
  code: ":bento:",
  description: "Adding or updating assets.",
  name: "assets"
