1.0.1 • Published 6 months ago

ddd-tool-kit v1.0.1

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Last release
6 months ago


A development tool kit for using Domain Driven Design in your Web API Node.js

How to use?

You have two ways for use this tool kit...

  • Using our implementations
  • Using your own implementation

Our implementation

  import { EmailValueObject, throwFailOutput } from '';

  const email = 'user@mail.com';

  const initEmail = EmailValueObject.init({ value: email });
  if (initEmail.isFailure) return throwFailOutput(initEmail); // Output fail

  const emailValueObject = initEmail.result as EmailValueObject;
  console.log(emailValueObject.value) // user@mail.com

Your own implementation

  import { EmailValueObject, HttpStatus, IError, IBaseDomainValueObject } from '';

  export const INVALID_EMAIL: IError = {
    message: 'invalid email',
    statusCode: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,

  // This base value object interface has a "value: GenericType" in the content
  export interface IEmailProps extends IBaseDomainValueObject<string> {}

  export class EmailValueObject
    extends ValueObject<IEmailProps>
    protected sanitizeProps(): void {
      // sanitize your this.value

    protected isValidProps(): boolean {
      // verify is valid your this.value

    static init(props: IEmailProps): Output<IError> | Output<EmailValueObject>
      // create value object (constructor is alwats protected)
      const email = new EmailValueObject(props);
      // verify value object has valid props
      const isInvalidProps = !email.isValidProps();

      // if is invalid props return some output fail object with a message
      if (isInvalidProps) return Output.fail(INVALID_EMAIL);
      // if output is a success, return email value object
      return Output.success(email);

Much more than that, you have a complete kit of implementations, interfaces and abstract classes to be used.


  • IdValueObject
  • IpValueObject
  • DateValueObject
  • EmailValueObject
  • PasswordValueObject
  • SessionEntity


  • IError
  • IUseCase
  • IController
  • IRepository
  • IUnidirectionalMapper
  • IBidirectionalMapper

  • IBaseDomainEntity

  • IBaseDomainAggregate
  • IBaseDomainValueObject

Abstract Classes

  • Entity
  • Aggregate
  • ValueObject

6 months ago


6 months ago