1.3.3 • Published 8 months ago

delu-auth v1.3.3

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8 months ago


A simple authentication package for Node and Express

This authentication package provides a set of utilities for handling user authentication in Node.js applications using Express. It includes functions for hashing passwords, verifying passwords, signing JWT tokens, verifying JWT tokens, and middleware to ensure authentication.

Table of Contents


npm install delu-auth


Before using any of the package's functionalities, you need to initialize it:

const auth = require("delu-auth");
const jwtSecret = process.env.JWT_SECRET;

	// Other configuration options

Important: Do not hard-code your JWT secret in your codebase. Always use environment variables or some other form of secure configuration management.

Generating a JWT Secret

This package provides a utility function to generate a cryptographically secure JWT secret. To generate a secret:

const { generateJWTSecret } = require("delu-auth");
const secret = generateJWTSecret();

Note: Run this function once, save the generated secret in your .env file or other secure location, and use it to initialize the authentication module. Do not regenerate the secret frequently, as it will invalidate all existing tokens.


Hashing Passwords

To hash a password:

const hashedPassword = await auth.hashPassword("yourPassword");

Verifying Passwords

To verify a password:

const strongPassword = auth.isStrongPassword("yourPassword");

Note: This function only works when password requirements are enabled. See the configuration section for more information.

Authenticating Users

To authenticate a user:

app.post("/login", async (req, res) => {
	const { password } = req.body;

	// Get hashed password from database
	const hashedPassword = await getHashedPasswordFromDB();

	const tokenContent = { id: 1 };

	await authenticate(req, res, password, hashedPassword, tokenContent);
	// returns res.status(200).json({ message: "Authentication successful" });

Authenticating Users with HOOKS

To authenticate a user using hooks:

app.post("/login", async (req, res) => {
	const { password } = req.body;

	// Get hashed password from database
	const hashedPassword = await getHashedPasswordFromDB();

	const tokenContent = { id: 1 };

	await authenticate(req, res, password, hashedPassword, tokenContent, {
		beforeAuthenticate: () => {
			// Do something before authenticating
			return true; // Return false to abort the authentication process
		onSuccess: (token, res) => {
			// Do something on success (redirect, etc.)
		onFailure: (error) => {
			// Do something on failure

Verifying JWT Tokens

To verify a JWT token:

const decoded = auth.verifyJWT("yourToken");

Middleware for Authentication

To ensure a route is accessed only by authenticated users:

app.get("/protected", auth.ensureAuth, (req, res) => {
	// Your route logic here

The middleware will check for a token in a cookie (by default named "token") or in the Authorization header as a Bearer token.

Middleware for Sessions

Check the JWT and set the user property on the request object for each request:


This middleware does NOT handle redirecting the user or ensuring authentication. The purpose of this middleware is to have a global middleware that makes sure the req.user property is persistent on all routes, even if the route is not protected.

Logging Out

To log out a user:

app.post("/logout", auth.logout);

This will clear the token cookie and redirect the user to the noAuthRedirectPath which can be set in the config.


You can provide additional configuration when initializing:

	jwtSecret: null, // JWT secret
	loginRedirectPath: "/login", // Default redirect path for the login route
	defaultRedirectPath: "/", // Default redirect path for the application
	tokenExpiration: 28800, // 8 hours (Must be in seconds)
	passwordSaltRounds: 10, // bcrypt salt rounds
	tokenAudience: "", // JWT audience
	tokenIssuer: "", // JWT issuer
	tokenCookieName: "token", // Name of the cookie to store the JWT
	customTokenBlacklisting: true, // How to handle token invalidation.
	//True(default): User handles blacklisting with custom code.
	//False: Invalidation is handled in the package. (WARNING This method might be the simplest but is not recommended for larger applications as the blacklisted tokens are stored in-memory)

	// Password requirements
	passwordRequirements: {
		enabled: false, // Enable password requirements
		minLength: 8, // Minimum length
		maxLength: 32, // Maximum length
		requireUppercase: true, // Require uppercase letters
		requireLowercase: true, // Require lowercase letters
		requireNumbers: true, // Require numbers
		requireSpecialCharacters: true, // Require special characters


This package aims to simplify authentication processes in Node.js applications. If you have any issues or suggestions, please open an issue on our GitHub repository.


Check out the example repo to see the package implemented:



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