7.1.2 • Published 4 years ago

demio-browser-viewer v7.1.2

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Last release
4 years ago

Demio Viewer Application


  • Node (Express)
  • React
  • jQuery
  • Sass

We create the JavaScript bundle with Webpack 4.

Browsers supported

  • Mobile

    • Chrome (Attendees)
    • Safari just to show a link to our native App (Attendees)
  • Desktop

    • IE11 (Attendees)
    • Firefox (All)
    • Chrome (All)

We plan to add support for:

  • Mobile

    • Safari (Attendees)
    • Android default browser (Attendees)
  • Desktop

    • Safari (Attendees)
    • Edge (Attendees)


Must be installed:

  • Yarn
  • pm2
  • node-sass


  • yarn Downloads and installs the dependencies in the package.json
  • yarn start Starts both client and server in development mode watching changes
  • yarn start:dev Starts the client (webpack)
  • yarn start:llr Starts the client (webpack)
  • yarn start:dev:server Starts the server VIEWER-SERVER (node via PM2)
  • yarn logs Shows pm2 logs of the server VIEWER-SERVER
  • yarn build builds client bundles for deployment
  • yarn eslint Runs airbnb linter with some customizations
  • yarn eslint -- --fix Fix the errors or warnings fixable

Server application

The server.js file is our server entrypoint. It is listeing on port 3051. The npm script yarn start:dev:server creates the app in pm2 and watches for changes to restart the server sutomatically. In development this command should be called once only becuse PM2 will keep that process alive running in background forever.

There is a server for static files mounted in the folder: Public.

There is file credentials with the token for authentication in our backend.


  • /join/:hash It is the access to the room. Fetch data from the endpoint /rest/auth/check in the server backendUri (in config file settings) and pass it embeded to the browser. Shows the error page. Check if the browser is in mobile. Sets a cookie for demio conversion pixel feature.
  • /simulated-webinar/:hash It is the access for the simulated webinar.
  • /jump/:hash It is the access for the like live webinar
  • /like-live/ Several endpoints for the like live webinar
  • /resources/pre-signed-url Used in resource uploads to AWS.
  • /system System check to detect streaming capabilities.
  • /chat Pop out chat.
  • /webinar/status Gets the webinar status. It is requested every 5 minutes.


  • index It is the HTML template, handles the Welcome Demio animation. Contains header and footer sub templates with all the scripts and style links. Google analitys and Sentry error tracking settings are here.
  • chat-popout For the chat pop out window.
  • banned Page to show to users banned in a webinar.
  • error Error page for any kind of error in the server.
  • like-live-desactivated Page to show to user with Like Life feature desactivated.
  • like-live HTML template for Like Live.
  • simulated-webinar HTML template for simulated webinar.
  • system-check HTML template for system check.

Front application

Single route application based on React components. jQuery is used in some cases to handle DOM manipulation and event subcriptions (we should avoid it).


The root file config.js contain the URLs and settings for the app in the environments:

  • development
  • staging
  • release
  • production

Public folder

  • assets contains the JS bundles creates by Webpack 4.
  • img images folder.
  • sfx audio files for sound efects like in the count down when a session is about to start.

Eslint config

Eslint is passed automatically on each commit. The new code in the repo must pass the Airbnb rules with some customizations. The config is in a npm package demio-code-rules. The commit hook is in the package.json it calls the npm script: eslint.

To avoid the eslint validation you can use -n: commit -n.

To disable the commit hook just delete it from the package.json:

"pre-commit": [

Webpack config

Webpack bundles

We create serveral bundles to use in different pages. We use different entry points from the folder Scripts:

- webpack.index.js
- webpack.like-live.js
- webpack.mobile.js
- webpack.popoutchat.js
- webpack.simulated-webinar.js
- wwbpack.syscheck.js

- demio.bundle.js (Main Desktop uglyfied)
- demiom.bundle.js (Mobile uglyfied)
- like_live.bundle.js (Like live uglyfied)
- simulated_webinar.bundle.js (Simulated uglyfied)
- syscheck.bundle.js (System Check uglyfied)
- popoutchat.bundle.js (Pop Out Chat)

- stylem.css (Mobile styles minified)
- style.css (Desktop styles minified)

Initialization flow

The app connects a web-socket with nodeServerUri (in config file settings). After the connection the event initialized is received. The event contains webinar and user info. At this point any bidirectinal communication is available with the server. Then the Viewer component is mounted and other web-socket is connected to tokboxServer (in config file settings). This connection allows us to create and connect the session OTSESSION. At this point the streaming is ready and the user can publish audio/video or share the screen.


  • DemioWebsocket Handles the uWebsocket management and export a bunch of methods to emit events to the server or propagate the events received form the server using callbacks.

  • Services Connect DemioUI with the websocket and bind the callbacks to update the DemioUI state. (This should be refactored to use less bindings) The idea behind the services is split the socket manager in smaller units.

HTTP Endpoints

From the client the main HTTP requests are done to nodeServerUri (config file settings). The list of endpoints used is:

- /api/messages/general
- /api/messages/conversation/user
- /api/messages/conversations
- /api/messages/conversation
- /api/resources
- /api/resources/mode
- /api/resources/stats
- /api/polls
- /api/polls/vote
- /api/users
- /like-live/chat/add
- /like-live/attended
- /like-live/graph/save
- /like-live/completed

We also do a request to tokboxServer (in config file settings) to get the data to initialize the TokBox session.

The old code uses SuperAgent direcly but we prefer to use the library ajax that wraps it:

const response = await ajax({
  url: `/api/resources?webinarID=${webinarID}&userID=${userID}`
if (response) {
  const { actions, handouts, polls } = response.body
    resources: actions,

The method by default is get but supports any method:

const response = await ajax({
  url: '/api/messages/mode',
  method: 'post',
  data: {

The jwToken is not required because it is recovered from sessionStorage.


Fonts are managed in the _fonts sass file.

Icomoon projects

There are two JSON files to install the Icommoon projects. Because we don't have a premium account to need to save this JSON manually and keep it in the repo.

  • demio-icons
  • font-awesome


  • style It's the main entrypoint.

  • style.mobile Entry point for mobiles.

  • _globals Global styles. (Contains duplicated styles, should be refactored)

  • components Contains the import of the sass file per each component.

  • mixins Reusable mixins (Some are old stuff senseless nowadays).

  • keyframes Animations.

  • pages Folder with styles per page like system-check or error-page


  • Index It is not a component but it is the main entrypoint.

  • DEMIOUI It is the main component and receives the data from the user & webinar data from the server. (Should be refactored to clean it up)

    • WebinarConsole Handles the header, the viewer, the waiting animation, the chat and the backstage. (Should be refactored to clean it up)

      • Viewer Handles the webcam layout, the screen-sharing, the presentation materials and the waiting screen. Uses a Streamer component.
  • BrowserNotSupported Message for unsupported browsers.

  • WaitingScreen: Presenters list shown when there isn'tanything being shared

  • BackStage Contains all the subcomponents to handle the backstage menu.

  • WebinarCountDown Count down before start a session.

  • IndexMobile It is not a component but it is the main mobile entrypoint.

  • Simulated Webinar Contains all components used in the simulated webinar. Components from the regular room are used here.

  • LikeLiveReplay Contains all the components used in the LLR. It has duplicated code because doesn't reuse components.

  • more...


  • Polyfills Contains polyfiles for older browsers (IE 11).

  • localEvents manage the event communication across components of the app. It is a wrapper of the event emitter in DEMIO namespace.

  • SessionEvents uses TokBox signal to manage the event communication across clients in the same session.

  • utils contains some utils to generate UUID an random strings, also the EventListener used in localEvents.

  • storageHelper wrapper of localStorage.

  • securityHelper manages the AES encryption / descryption of web-socket events.

  • demio DEMIO public namespace accesible from the console. Contains utilities. For instance it is used to manage the comunication between the popout chat window and the main window. It also has some UI utilities like dialogs.

  • demio-tokbox manage the subscription/publishing of streams with TokBox.

  • Constants contains constants per component used accross the app.

  • more...


We use the package @openTok/client, please read in the release notes important information.

The library demio-tokbox is currently wrapping the management of the TokBox streams. We plan to use openTok React. demio-tokbox is used in the Viewer to publish or subscribe to streams:

  • screen
  • cam
  • mic
  • cam & mic in a single stream

TokBox session is a global variable OTSESSION accesible from the console.

Mobile (Responsive)

Mobile is detected in the server to just add the mobile JS bundle. There is an specific entrypoint for it. We only support attendees roles in mobile.

LLR (Like Live Replay)

It is separeted application that plays a video a reproduces the session using a history with recorded events. Has a basic chat support.

Simulated Webinars

It is a demo session for admins that also uses videos to fake the session but it has support for mic/cam devices, backstage and full chat support because it reuses the same components as in the original room.

DemioUISimulation is React component that extends DemioUI to control the session start.

The class Simulation is the main controller to start, stop, resume the video, run the timer to run each event/frame in the correct time.

The folder Services/Events contains the lists of simulated events for actions, messages, precreations, users and videos. Every event have a seconds prop that is used to trigger the event at the correct time.

The class EventExec create the list of events and run them in loop. Every event check internally if it is the correct time using the methods in the file time.js.

The sockets callbacks are called programatically in the file socket.js but we still use a regular websocket connection with some special socket events for the simulaiton.