1.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

deposit v1.1.0

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Inject dynamic resources into your html pages


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var fs = require('fs');
var http = require('http');
var deposit = require('deposit');

var d = deposit();

// Set up injectors
d.injector('fetch', require('deposit-fetch'));
d.injector('env', function (options, done) {
  // Do stuff

http.createServer(function (req, res) {



Sample HTML file

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <!-- inject:env -->
  <script>window.__env = {};</script>
  <!-- endinject -->

  <!-- inject:fetch url=http://some.site.com/page timeout=5 assign=bob -->
  <h1>Default Content</h1>
  <p>This is what it looks like if the data doesn’t get fetched (or gets fetched with an error).</p>
  <!-- endinject -->




  • options

d.injector(name, function (options, done) {})

  • name - The name of the inejctor. This is the name you will use in your html document. Only slug-valid names are allowed (i.e. fetch, custom-injector, etc).

d.tree(filepath, function (err, contents) {})

Parse and inject a file. By default, the function returns a stream. You may also provide a callback and it will be called and return the parsed file contents. This method also has a streaming interface.

  • filepath - The path to the file to parse and inject.

d.blockTree(filepath, function (err blocks) {})

Parse the given html file and return an object representation of the parseable blocks. This method also has a streaming interface.

  • filepath - The path to the file to parse and inject.


Injectors are used to put dynamic content into the html as static content. Injectors are basically plugins that exports a function:

module.exports = function (options, done) {


The injector function recieves 2 parameters:

  • options - This is an object map of the options in the commented markup. If the html had <!-- inject:fetch url=http://some.site.com/page timeout=5 assign=bob -->, the options would be
    • url: http://some.site.com/page
    • timeout: 5
    • assign: bob
  • done - This callback gets called with these values - done(err, content). The content will be injected and replace the commented markup

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