distraught v5.0.0
Distraught Web Server
I was distraught!!
Distraught is a wrapper around a Node.js Express server that exposes an HTTPServer for web requests, a CronServer for functions that need to be called at set intervals, and a WorkerServer to handle long requests.
- You have a webserver running Node.js
- Postgresql as the datastore
- Redis as the caching layer and sockets
- RabbitMQ for worker jobs
- ExpressJS
- Mariner - Vanilla SQL Database Migrations
- Heretic - Queueing / Dequeueing Jobs
- Google Cloud Storage - File Storage
- Sentry - Error Handling
- Cron - For Timed Jobs
- Axios - For API Requests
- Sendgrid - Sending Emails
- Twilio - Text Messaging
- Socket.IO - Websockets
- Swagger - API Documentation
Expected Migrations / Tables In Order To Use WorkerServer
This does require some migrations to be ran, however this server does -not- run the migrations on startup. If you are using Distraught for the first time, please run the following migration:
CREATE TABLE heretic_jobs (
queue_name text NOT NULL,
status text DEFAULT 'pending',
payload jsonb,
attempt_logs jsonb[] DEFAULT '{}',
max_attempts int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
updated_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
last_attempted_at timestamptz
CREATE INDEX ON heretic_jobs (queue_name);
CREATE INDEX ON heretic_jobs (status);
CREATE FUNCTION heretic_updated_at_timestamp() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
NEW.updated_at = now();
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
CREATE TRIGGER update_heretic_jobs_updated_at
BEFORE UPDATE ON heretic_jobs
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE heretic_updated_at_timestamp();
The framework is setup to run three processes: web, crons, and workers.
- Web
- Will boot up the Express server
- Crons
- These are processes that run in the background at set intervals
- Workers
- Workers are background processes that may take quite a bit of time to complete, so they are enqueued to a RabbitMQ server via Heretic, a simple RabbitMQ interface
- Supports sending all server logs to Logentries if a
is present. - Supports sending uncaught/unhandled errors to Sentry if a
is present.
Logging Errors
const {logErr} = require('distraught');
logErr(new Error('Whoa..That\'s not good'), {
var1: val1,
var2: val2,
Server Monitoring
In httpserver
, if you specify enableStatusMonitor: true
, a /status
page will be accessible on the same port that the Express server is running that memory usage, CPU usage, response time, requests per second, and number of responses by status code using express-status-monitor
- Utilizes Knex to handle your queries
Setting Up Your Connections
const d = require('distraught');
db: {
r: { connection: process.env.READONLY_DATABASE_URL },
rw: { connection: process.env.READWRITE_DATABASE_URL },
heretic: {
default: { db: "r", connection: process.env.AMQP_URL },
cache: {
default: { connection: process.env.REDIS_URL },
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandled: true,
Querying The Database
const {db, toCamelCase, createOne} = require('distraught');
function fetchUsers() {
return db.r('users')
function addUser(user) {
return createOne(db.rw, 'users', user)
const {httpServer, init} = require('distraught');
cache: {
default: { connection: process.env.REDIS_URL },
const homeController = require('./controllers/home');
const server = httpServer({
publicPath: path.join(__dirname, 'public'),
viewPath: path.join(__dirname, 'views'),
findUserById(id: number) {
return cache.default.getOrSet(`user-${id}`, fetchUserById.bind(null, id)); // Needed for passport middleware
server.app.use((req, res, next) => {
// ...some middleware/plugin logic
server.app.get('/', homeController.get);
authController.setAuthRoutes(server.app, server.passport);
By default, HTTPServer will render pug templates, but you can change the view engine to whatever you want during instantiation.
Adding/Changing View Engines
const {httpServer} = require('distraught');
const server = httpServer({
viewEngine: 'jsx',
server.app.engine('jsx', (filePath, options, callback) => {
const html = templateRenderFn(filePath, options);
callback(null, html);
To enable Swagger:
const server = httpServer({
swaggerConfig: {
appRoot: __dirname,
yamlPath: path.join(__dirname, 'api/swagger/swagger.yaml'),
Example of Creating API/Config Folders and Using the Swagger Editor Swagger - Getting Started
// Make sure the Heretic database migration has run
const {init, workerServer, MINUTE, heretic, chalk, log} = require('distraught');
db: {
r: { connection: process.env.READONLY_DATABASE_URL },
rw: { connection: process.env.READWRITE_DATABASE_URL },
heretic: {
default: { db: "r", connection: process.env.AMQP_URL },
function testDequeue(job, message, done) {
log(chalk.yellow('Dequeueing job: Test queue'));
return Promise.resolve()
function queueJob() {
heretic.default.enqueue('test.dequeue', {});
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
function startWorkerServer() {
const debug = process.env.WORKER_DEBUG;
const workers = workerServer({
heretic: heretic.default,
requiredEnv: [],
queues: [
{name: 'test.dequeue', concurrency: 3, handler: testDequeue, isEnabled: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', alertAt: MINUTE, killAt: MINUTE * 2, debug},
Enqueueing jobs
import {heretic} from 'distraught';
heretic.default.enqueue('test.dequeue', {});
const {cronServer, log, chalk} = require('distraught');
exports.startCronServer = () => {
crons: [
name: 'Ping',
cronTime: '* * * * * *', // Every second
onTick() {
Caching Individual Functions
Getting value from cache by key, or setting it via a function
const {init, cache, MINUTE} = require('distraught');
cache: {
default: { connection: process.env.REDIS_URL },
const getValueFn = () => {
return someFuncReturningData();
}; // Can be a scalar, function returning a scalar, or function returning a Promise
const ttl = MINUTE * 3;
function getUsers() {
return cache.default.getOrSet('all-users', getValueFn, ttl)
.then((users) => console.log(users));
await getUsers(); // Cache missed
await getUsers(); // Cache hit
Invalidating Keys
The below example will remove all-users
from the cache
const {cache} = require('distraught');
Thanks to Hackathon Starter for a lot of inspiration
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