0.0.2-alpha • Published 3 years ago

distributed-town-smart-contracts v0.0.2-alpha

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Last release
3 years ago

DistributedTown SmartContracts


yarn install

Local deployment

Make sure defaultNetwork in hardhat.config.js (on line 24) is set to localhost.

Terminal 1#:

yarn chain

Terminal #2:

  1. Change the value of the skillWalletAddress variable in scripts/deployDistributedTown.js

  2. Run yarn deployCommunityRegistry

Matic testnet deployment

Run: yarn generate and yarn account to generate and verify account first.

Make sure defaultNetwork in hardhat.config.js (on line 24) is set to maticTestnet.

Terminal #1:

  1. Change the value of the skillWalletAddress variable in scripts/deployCommunityRegistry.js (line 9)
  2. Run yarn deployCommunityRegistry

  3. Change the value of the communityRegistryAddress variable in scripts/dcreateCommunity.js (line 7)

  4. Run yarn createCommunity

  5. Run yarn deployGigsRegistry