0.0.13 • Published 2 years ago
dnd5e-dice-roller v0.0.13
Generate dice rolls based on standard ttrpg dice string.
For example:s
- 1d4 - 1 roll of a 4 sided dice. Returns a result between 1 and 4
- d6 - 1 roll of a 6 sided dice. Returns a result between 1 and 6
- 3d8 - 3 rolls of an 8 sided dice. Returns a result between 3 and 24
- 1d6+2 - 1 roll of a 6 sided dice, plus 2. Returns a result between 3 and 8
- 1d4-1 - 1 roll of a 4 sided dice, minus 1. Returns a result between 0 and 3
- 4d6dl1 - 4 rolls of a 6 sided dice, dropping the lowest. Returns a result between 3 and 18
- 2d20dh1 - 2 rolls of a 20 sided dice, dropping the lowest. (i.e. Rolling with disadvantage)
- 2d20d1+3 - 2 rolls of a 20 sided dice, dropping the lowest, plus 3. (i.e. Rolling with advantage with a modifier)
Default export returns the total and the the rolls of each die
import diceRoller from 'dnd5e-dice-roller';
diceRoller("2d8+3"); // Returns { total: 17, rolls: [8, 6], rollStr: "2d8+3" }
Named exports of diceRoller
(behaves the same as the default) and roll
to just return the total
import { diceRoller, roll } from 'dnd5e-dice-roller';
diceRoller("2d8+3"); // Returns { total: 17, rolls: [8, 6], rollStr: "2d8+3" }
roll("2d8+3"); // Returns 17