0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

downloads-cli v0.1.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
7 years ago

downloads-cli NPM version NPM downloads

Commandline application for retrieving npm download counts for the specified repository or maintainer.


Install with npm:

$ npm install --save downloads-cli


Once installed globally, there will be a downloads command that can be run from the command line.

To see the download counts for a module, specify the module name after the downloads command like this:

$ downloads micromatch

Example output from running $ downloads micromatch:



Use the --format option to format the results as a table (this is the default).

Run the following command to the downloads formatted as a table:

$ downloads micromatch --format


If you need to use the results as a JSON object, use the --format command with json after it:

$ downloads micromatch --format json
    "name": "micromatch",
    "yesterday": 298701,
    "lastWeek": 1667018,
    "lastMonth": 7561132,
    "total": 72246952

This can be output to a json file using the `bash` `>` character:

$ downloads micromatch --format json > micromatch-downloads.json


To get downloads for all of the modules maintained by a specific maintainer, use the --maintainer or -m option:

$ downloads --maintainer doowb

This shows a table with a summary for the maintainer's total counts:


The --format option will also work with --maintainer to return a json array of necessary:

  {"name": "micromatch", "yesterday": 298701, "lastWeek": 1667018, "lastMonth": 7561132, "total": 72246952},
  {"name": "for-in", "yesterday": 302578, "lastWeek": 1690801, "lastMonth": 7689845, "total": 67525375},
  {"name": "isobject", "yesterday": 312044, "lastWeek": 1740065, "lastMonth": 7737220, "total": 78639385},
  {"name": "object.omit", "yesterday": 331758, "lastWeek": 1861300, "lastMonth": 8183602, "total": 67385807},
  {"name": "is-number", "yesterday": 362636, "lastWeek": 2010066, "lastMonth": 8844787, "total": 81522342},
  {"name": "expand-range", "yesterday": 362678, "lastWeek": 2011777, "lastMonth": 8856168, "total": 79453005},
  {"name": "braces", "yesterday": 363642, "lastWeek": 2016279, "lastMonth": 8952292, "total": 82014801},
  {"name": "kind-of", "yesterday": 386582, "lastWeek": 2182171, "lastMonth": 9699790, "total": 106232096},
  {"name": "is-glob", "yesterday": 404976, "lastWeek": 2255831, "lastMonth": 9965800, "total": 78215744},
  {"name": "repeat-string", "yesterday": 480270, "lastWeek": 2705665, "lastMonth": 11891614, "total": 107677170},
  {"name": "window-size", "yesterday": 593891, "lastWeek": 3291254, "lastMonth": 13714362, "total": 141107634}


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Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

Please read the contributing guide for avice on opening issues, pull requests, and coding standards.

Building docs

(This document was generated by verb-generate-readme (a verb generator), please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in .verb.md.)

To generate the readme and API documentation with verb:

$ npm install -g verb verb-generate-readme && verb

Running tests

Install dev dependencies:

$ npm install -d && npm test


Brian Woodward


Copyright © 2016, Brian Woodward. Released under the MIT license.

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.2.0, on November 15, 2016.