1.0.7 • Published 5 years ago

drawdown-bake v1.0.7

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5 years ago

Drawdown Bake

Drawdown bake is a tool for baking markdown documents with drawdown diagram scripts into markdown documents with diagram images npm.io


npm install drawdown-bake --save-dev


Once installed the tool can be manually run by

node node_modules/.bin/drawdown-bake ./docs ./baked

This will make the baker walk trough ./docs recursively and search for markdown files to bake. For every file found it will: 1. Extract all drawdown scripts. 2. Create an image representation of the diagram. The image will be stored into ./baked/assets. 3. Scripts will be replaced with image references. 4. Create new makrdown file into its relative directory within ./baked. 5. All non makrdown-ish files will be copied as is.

Use in projects

In a project drawdawn-bake can be used as a npm script in the package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "bake": "drawdown-bake ./src ./baked",

Now, every time a new fresh documentation badge is needed it can be baked by:

npm run bake

Command syntax

drawdown-bake <source-dir> <destination-dir> [options]


extmd,markdownCVS file extensions for markdown files to be baked
layout.drawdownpreviewlayoutPath to a JSON file with drawdown layout information.
nolayout---Will make the baker use automatic diagram layouts. Using --layout and --no-layout together will cause an error
webdir<module>/webA path to the directory which holds the browser version of the baker. Internally this tool uses puppeteer and chromium to render the SVG scripts produced by the drawdown-svg-render
webport8989Port number for the minimalistic web server to listen to. This server is used to serve the browser version of the baker which is later used by the chromium spawned by the puppeteer


Bake only .txt and .md files

drawdown-bake ./docs ./baked --ext=txt,md

Bake with custom layout file

drawdown-bake ./docs ./baked --layout=my_layout.json

Bake with automatic layout

drawdown-bake ./docs ./baked --no-layout

Using different port for the built-in http-server (in case the default :8989 is already used)

drawdown-bake ./docs ./baked --web-port=8787