2.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

dynamost v2.0.0

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⚡️ Dynamost

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Bridge between AWS DynamoDB Document Client and Real World usage.


This library provides a number of abstractions, tools and functions designed to make dealing with Amazon DynamoDB easier and more natural for developers.

This library provides utilities for automatically submitting arbitrarily-sized batches of reads and writes to DynamoDB using well-formed BatchGetItem and BatchWriteItem operations, correct and reliable Scan and Query operations.

The library has built-in defaults and mechanisms based on real-world applications making the requests to Amazon DynamoDB more reliable, adding exponential reties for applicable requests, optimizing API calls and more.


Attribute Path

The paths passed into functions are parsed and serialized to best represent the DynamoDB document paths. The paths are parses by scanning for dots (.), which designate map property dereferencing and left brackets ([), which designate list attribute dereferencing. For example, ProductReviews.FiveStar[0].reviewer.username would be understood as referring to the username property of the reviewer property of the first element of the list stored at the FiveStar property of the top-level ProductReviews document attribute.

If a property name contains a left bracket or dot, it may be escaped with a backslash \. For example, Product\\.Reviews would be interpreted as a single top-level document attribute rather than as a map property access.

Sets of Values

AWS DynamoDB has special attribute types called Sets. They are unique arrays of values. The following function returns a correct Set that can be assigned to a DB entry property.

setOfValues(["A", "B", "C"]);

Condition Expression Builders

Dynamost provides quite a few utility functions to help build Condition Expressions that can be used in if and where functions of the requests.

Boolean Functions

// Joins conditions into an AND condition expression
and(condition1, condition2, ...[]);
and([condition1, condition2, ...[]]);

// Joins conditions into an OR condition expression
or(condition1, condition2, ...[]);
or([condition1, condition2, ...[]]);

// Negates the result of the condition passed in

Attributes Functions

// Check if the attribute exists on the item
// Check if the attribute does not exist on the item
// Check if the attribute type matches to the provided value
attributeType("tags", AttributeTypesEnum);

// where
enum AttributeTypesEnum {
  Binary = "B",
  BinarySet = "BS",
  Boolean = "BOOL",
  List = "L",
  Map = "M",
  Null = "NULL",
  Number = "N",
  NumberSet = "NS",
  String = "S",
  StringSet = "SS",

Size Function

Returns a number representing an attribute's size: for strings returns the length of the string; for binary returns the number of bytes; for sets and lists returns the number of elements in them.


size is used with other comparison functions, without them it does make much sense.

// The string value stored in the "name" attribute has more than 20 characters
gt(size("name"), 20);

Comparison Functions

eq is an alias of equals and generates an expression like a = b

eq("name", "John");
equals("age", 40);

gt is an alias of greaterThan and generates an expression like a > b

gt(size("name"), 10);
greaterThan("age", 40);

gte is an alias of greaterThanOrEquals and generates an expression like a >= b

gte(size("name"), 10);
greaterThanOrEquals("age", 40);

lt is an alias of lessThan and generates an expression like a < b

lt(size("name"), 10);
lessThan("age", 40);

lte is an alias of lessThanOrEquals and generates an expression like a <= b

lte(size("name"), 10);
lessThanOrEquals("age", 40);

ne is an alias of notEquals and generates an expression like a <> b

ne("name", "John");
notEquals("age", 40);

Range Check Functions

between generates an expression like a BETWEEN b AND c

between("age", [30, 40]);

isIn generates and expression like a IN (b, c, d)

isIn("stage", ["paused", "inactive", "blocked"]);

String Functions

beginsWith returns true if the attribute begins with a specified substring.

beginsWith("timezone", "US");

contains return true if the attribute that is string contains a specified substring or if the attribute that is a set contains a particular element

contains("tags", "a");
contains("name", "ohn");

Key Condition Expression Builders

Key Condition Expressions are a subset of Condition Expressions and support only the following list of functions:

beginsWith, between, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte

Configuration Options

The library can work in 3 modes localhost, direct and normal mode.

Normal mode

This mode is the default for your server code. When deployed to AWS and specifically to AWS Lambda the necessary configs are inherited automatically.

localhost mode

This mode allows connecting to the local instance of the DynamoDB server

direct mode

This mode allows to directly connect to the AWS DynamoDB service with an IAM profile.



We suggest initializing the Dynamost class in a separate function where you could have a logic to check with which mode it should run and probably pass in the table name. In serverless applications you can pass in env variables and do the configuration based on them.

export const db = (table: string) => {
  let clientConfigs: DynamostDocumentClientParams;

  if (process.env.IS_OFFLINE) {
    clientConfigs = {
      mode: "localhost",
      port: 8888, // optional - defaults to 8000
      accessKeyId: "localhost", // optional - defaults to "localAwsAccessKeyId"
      secretAccessKey: "localhost", // optional - defaults to "localAwsSecretAccessKey"
  } else if (process.env.IS_DIRECT) {
    clientConfigs = {
      mode: "direct",
      profile: "default",
      region: "us-east-1",

  // For normal connections the client configuration most of the time should not
  // be defined.

  return new Dynamost({ table, ...(clientConfigs ? { clientConfigs } : {}) });

The rest of the examples will assume that you have followed the initialization step.


Full usage of put

const user = await db("users-table")
  // Pass in the item to store in the DB
    id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5",
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Smith",
    email: "john@smith.com",
    createdAt: Date.now(),
    updatedAt: null,
    pending: true,
    metaList: ["a", null, 1], // An array of mixed values
    tags: setOfValues(["A", "B", "C"]), // A set of unique string values
    age: 40,
  // The put function can overwrite existing entries in the DB entirely.
  // If you want to avoid overwriting existing values you can use a condition
  // like this
  .if(attributeNotExists("id")) // optional
  // Returns the consumed capacity in the raw response
  // Possible options are "INDEXES" | "TOTAL" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "TOTAL"
  .returnConsumedCapacity() // optional
  // Returns the collection metrics in the raw response
  // Possible options are "SIZE" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "SIZE"
  .returnItemCollectionMetrics() // optional
  // Defines which values to return
  // Possible options are "ALL_OLD" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "ALL_OLD"
  .returnValues() // optional
  // Can receive a type as an input and will return the data with that type
  // Can receive a boolean which if set to true returns the raw response instead
  // of the data item only
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$execute(true); // If you pass true to this function it will set the return type to PutItemOutput

Usual usage of put

const user = await db("users-table")
    id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5",
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Smith",
    email: "john@smith.com",
    createdAt: Date.now(),
    updatedAt: null,
    pending: true,
    metaList: ["a", null, 1],
    tags: setOfValues(["A", "B", "C"]),
    age: 40,
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$<User>(); // If you don't pass true and don't set the type the function will set the return type to DynamoDB.AttributeMap


Full usage of get

const user = await db("users-table")
  // Pass in the key of the item to read
  .get({ id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
  // Properties (Attribute Paths) to get back from the DB
  // There can be multiple select function calls and they will be joined into
  // one expression
  .select("id") // optional
  // The select function can receive multiple arguments and will join them into
  // one expression
  .select("firstName", "lastName") // optional
  // The function can also receive an array of properties and will join them
  // into one expression
  .select(["pending", "age"]) // optional
  // Specifies whether to return a consistent read result
  // Receives a boolean as an argument which defaults to true if not provided
  .consistentRead() // optional
  // Returns the consumed capacity in the raw response
  // Possible options are "INDEXES" | "TOTAL" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "TOTAL"
  .returnConsumedCapacity() // optional
  // Can receive a type as an input and will return the data with that type
  // Can receive a boolean which if set to true returns the raw response instead
  // of the data item only
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$execute(true); // If you pass true to this function it will set the return type to GetItemOutput

Usual usage of get

const user = await db("users-table")
  .get({ id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$<User>(); // If you don't pass true and don't set the type the function will set the return type to DynamoDB.AttributeMap


Full usage of update

// NOTE: At least one update function must exist on an update request
const user = await db("users-table")
  // Pass in the key of the item to update
  .update({ id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
  // Receives a Condition Expression built with functions provided by the library
  .if(/* Condition Expression */) // optional
  // There can be multiple if functions and they will be merged into one "and"
  // statement
  .if(/* Condition Expression */) // optional
  // Merges the object into the DB entry
  // For each property a separate SET expression is serialized
  // As a second optional parameter can receive a boolean whether to apply only
  // if the attribute does not exist and not overwrite a value bu accident
  .assign({ age: 35, type: "admin" }, true) // optional

  // If a number is provided and the value in the DB is a number their sum will
  // be stored.
  // The add function can only be used on top-level attributes
  .add("age", 2) // optional
  // If an array is provided the attribute will be updated as set to the array
  // The add function can only be used on top-level attributes
  .add("hobbies", ["h", 1, null]) // optional
  // If a set of strings is provided it will be added to the property on the
  // item or if missing a new property will be created
  // The add function can only be used on top-level attributes
  .add("tags", setOfValues(["D", "E"])) // optional

  // With only one parameter the drop function will remove the property from
  // the item
  .drop("firstName") // optional
  // It can also remove items from a list property
  .drop("metaList[1]") // optional
  // If an array is provided it will be considered as a set and deleted from the
  // string set property
  .drop("tags", ["b", "c"]) // optional
  // If an set is provided it will be considered as a set and deleted from the
  // string set property
  .drop("tags", setOfValues("a")) // optional

  // Increment the value of the property by the value provided
  // The function may receive an optional third argument which defines whether
  // to check if the property exists or not. If defaults to true. If the check
  // is explicitly set to false the function will create the property with the
  // value
  .increment("age", 2, true) // optional
  // Decrement the value of the property by the value provided
  // The function may receive an optional third argument which defines whether
  // to check if the property exists or not. If defaults to true. If the check
  // is explicitly set to false the function will create the property with the
  // negative of the value
  .decrement("age", 2, true) // optional

  // Append (add to the end) the value to the property
  .append("metaList", "x") // optional
  // Append (add to the end) the array of values to the property
  .append("metaList", ["x", null, 10]) // optional
  // Prepend (add to the beginning) the value to the property
  .prepend("metaList", "x") // optional
  // Prepend (add to the beginning) the array of values to the property
  .prepend("metaList", ["x", null, 10]) // optional
  // Returns the consumed capacity in the raw response
  // Possible options are "INDEXES" | "TOTAL" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "TOTAL"
  .returnConsumedCapacity() // optional
  // Returns the collection metrics in the raw response
  // Possible options are "SIZE" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "SIZE"
  .returnItemCollectionMetrics() // optional
  // Defines which values to return
  // Possible options are "ALL_OLD" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "ALL_OLD"
  .returnValues() // optional
  // Can receive a type as an input and will return the data with that type
  // Can receive a boolean which if set to true returns the raw response instead
  // of the data item only
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$execute(true); // If you pass true to this function it will set the return type to UpdateItemOutput

Usual usage of update

const user = await db("users-table")
  .update({ id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
  .assign({ age: 35, type: "admin" })
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$<User>(); // If you don't pass true and don't set the type the function will set the return type to DynamoDB.AttributeMap


Full usage of delete

await db("users-table")
  // Pass in the key of the item to delete
  .delete({ id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
  // Receives a Condition Expression built with functions provided by the library
  .if(/* Condition Expression */) // optional
  // There can be multiple if functions and they will be merged into one "and"
  // statement
  .if(/* Condition Expression */) // optional
  // Returns the consumed capacity in the raw response
  // Possible options are "INDEXES" | "TOTAL" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "TOTAL"
  .returnConsumedCapacity() // optional
  // Returns the collection metrics in the raw response
  // Possible options are "SIZE" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "SIZE"
  .returnItemCollectionMetrics() // optional
  // Defines which values to return
  // Possible options are "ALL_OLD" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "ALL_OLD"
  .returnValues() // optional
  // Can receive a boolean which if set to true returns the raw response instead
  // of the data item only
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$execute(true); // If you pass true to this function it will set the return type to DeleteItemOutput

Usual usage of delete

await db("users-table")
  .delete({ id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$(); // If you don't pass true and don't set the type the function will set the return type to DynamoDB.AttributeMap


Full usage of query

const users = await db(TABLE)
  // Pass in the partition key
  .query({ id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
  // Receives a Condition Expression built with functions provided by the library
  // This is applied to the sort key for
  .having(/* Key Condition Expression */) // optional
  // The index name which should be scanned
  .indexName("names-index") // optional
  // Limit the count of the items returned by the request
  // The seconds argument allows to provide the start key
  .limit(20, { id: "502132ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" }) // optional
  // Set the sorting direction for the sort key
  // The default value is "ASC" (ascending)
  .sort("DSC") // optional
  // Receives a Condition Expression built with functions provided by the library
  .where(/* Condition Expression */) // optional
  // There can be multiple where functions and they will be merged into one "and"
  // statement
  .where(/* Condition Expression */) // optional
  // Properties (Attribute Paths) to get back from the DB
  // There can be multiple select function calls and they will be joined into
  // one expression
  .select("id") // optional
  // The select function can receive multiple arguments and will join them into
  // one expression
  .select("firstName", "lastName") // optional
  // The function can also receive an array of properties and will join them
  // into one expression
  .select(["pending", "age"]) // optional
  // Specifies whether to return a consistent read result
  // Receives a boolean as an argument which defaults to true if not provided
  .consistentRead() // optional
  // Returns the consumed capacity in the raw response
  // Possible options are "INDEXES" | "TOTAL" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "TOTAL"
  .returnConsumedCapacity() // optional
  // Can receive a type as an input and will return the data with that type
  // Can receive a boolean which if set to true returns the raw response instead
  // of the data item only
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$execute(true); // If you pass true to this function it will set the return type to QueryOutput

Usual usage of query

const users = await db(TABLE)
  .query({ id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  // Pay attention to the fact that your type must state that it is an array
  .$<User[]>(); // If you don't pass true and don't set the type the function will set the return type to DynamoDB.ItemList


Full usage of scan

const users = await db(TABLE)
  // The index name which should be scanned
  .indexName("names-index") // optional
  // Limit the count of the items returned by the request
  // The seconds argument allows to provide the start key
  .limit(20, { id: "502132ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" }) // optional
  // Set the number of segments to use while scanning the table
  // The default number of segments is 100
  .totalSegments(50) // optional
  // Disables segments and forces to scan the table with one segment
  // For smaller tables this can be more beneficial than scanning with segments
  .disableSegments() // optional
  // Receives a Condition Expression built with functions provided by the library
  .where(/* Condition Expression */) // optional
  // There can be multiple where functions and they will be merged into one "and"
  // statement
  .where(/* Condition Expression */) // optional
  // Properties (Attribute Paths) to get back from the DB
  // There can be multiple select function calls and they will be joined into
  // one expression
  .select("id") // optional
  // The select function can receive multiple arguments and will join them into
  // one expression
  .select("firstName", "lastName") // optional
  // The function can also receive an array of properties and will join them
  // into one expression
  .select(["pending", "age"]) // optional
  // Specifies whether to return a consistent read result
  // Receives a boolean as an argument which defaults to true if not provided
  .consistentRead() // optional
  // Returns the consumed capacity in the raw response
  // Possible options are "INDEXES" | "TOTAL" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "TOTAL"
  .returnConsumedCapacity() // optional
  // Can receive a type as an input and will return the data with that type
  // Can receive a boolean which if set to true returns the raw response instead
  // of the data item only
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$execute(true); // If you pass true to this function it will set the return type to ScanOutput

Usual usage of scan

const users = await db(TABLE)
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  // Pay attention to the fact that your type must state that it is an array
  .$<User[]>(); // If you don't pass true and don't set the type the function will set the return type to DynamoDB.ItemList

Batch Operations



Full usage of batchPut

const users = await db("users-table")
  // Pass in the array of items to store in the DB
      id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5",
      firstName: "John",
      lastName: "Smith",
      email: "john@smith.com",
      createdAt: Date.now(),
      updatedAt: null,
      pending: true,
      metaList: ["a", null, 1], // An array of mixed values
      tags: setOfValues(["A", "B", "C"]), // A set of unique string values
      age: 40,
      id: "502132ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5",
      firstName: "John",
      lastName: "Smith",
      email: "jane@smith.com",
      createdAt: Date.now(),
      updatedAt: null,
      pending: true,
      metaList: ["b", null, 2], // An array of mixed values
      tags: setOfValues(["D", "E", "F"]), // A set of unique string values
      age: 35,
  // Returns the consumed capacity in the raw response
  // Possible options are "INDEXES" | "TOTAL" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "TOTAL"
  .returnConsumedCapacity() // optional
  // Returns the collection metrics in the raw response
  // Possible options are "SIZE" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "SIZE"
  .returnItemCollectionMetrics() // optional
  // Can receive a type as an input and will return the data with that type
  // Can receive a boolean which if set to true returns the raw response instead
  // of the data item only
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$execute(true); // If you pass true to this function it will set the return type to BatchWriteItemOutput

Usual usage of batchPut

const users = await db("users-table")
      id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5",
      firstName: "John",
      lastName: "Smith",
      email: "john@smith.com",
      createdAt: Date.now(),
      updatedAt: null,
      pending: true,
      metaList: ["a", null, 1], // An array of mixed values
      tags: setOfValues(["A", "B", "C"]), // A set of unique string values
      age: 40,
      id: "502132ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5",
      firstName: "John",
      lastName: "Smith",
      email: "jane@smith.com",
      createdAt: Date.now(),
      updatedAt: null,
      pending: true,
      metaList: ["b", null, 2], // An array of mixed values
      tags: setOfValues(["D", "E", "F"]), // A set of unique string values
      age: 35,
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  // Pay attention to the fact that your type must state that it is an array
  .$<User[]>(); // If you don't pass true and don't set the type the function will set the return type to DynamoDB.ItemList


Full usage of batchGet

const users = await db("users-table")
  // Pass in the array of key to read
    { id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" },
    { id: "502132ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" },
  // Properties (Attribute Paths) to get back from the DB
  // There can be multiple select function calls and they will be joined into
  // one expression
  .select("id") // optional
  // The select function can receive multiple arguments and will join them into
  // one expression
  .select("firstName", "lastName") // optional
  // The function can also receive an array of properties and will join them
  // into one expression
  .select(["pending", "age"]) // optional
  // Specifies whether to return a consistent read result
  // Receives a boolean as an argument which defaults to true if not provided
  .consistentRead() // optional
  // Returns the consumed capacity in the raw response
  // Possible options are "INDEXES" | "TOTAL" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "TOTAL"
  .returnConsumedCapacity() // optional
  // Can receive a type as an input and will return the data with that type
  // Can receive a boolean which if set to true returns the raw response instead
  // of the data item only
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$execute(true); // If you pass true to this function it will set the return type to BatchGetItemOutput

Usual usage of batchGet

const users = await db("users-table")
    { id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" },
    { id: "502132ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" },
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  // Pay attention to the fact that your type must state that it is an array
  .$<User[]>(); // If you don't pass true and don't set the type the function will set the return type to DynamoDB.ItemList


Full usage of batchDelete

await db("users-table")
  // Pass in the array of key to delete
    { id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" },
    { id: "502132ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" },
  // Returns the consumed capacity in the raw response
  // Possible options are "INDEXES" | "TOTAL" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "TOTAL"
  .returnConsumedCapacity() // optional
  // Returns the collection metrics in the raw response
  // Possible options are "SIZE" | "NONE"
  // Defaults to "SIZE"
  .returnItemCollectionMetrics() // optional
  // Can receive a boolean which if set to true returns the raw response instead
  // of the data item only
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$execute(true); // If you pass true to this function it will set the return type to BatchWriteItemOutput

Usual usage of batchDelete

await db("users-table")
    { id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" },
    { id: "502132ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" },
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  // Pay attention to the fact that your type must state that it is an array
  .$<User[]>(); // If you don't pass true and don't set the type the function will set the return type to DynamoDB.ItemList

Transactional Operations

There are two transactional functions transactGet and transactWrite. These functions are a special type of function which receive other classes from Dynamost.

Checker class

The Checker is a special non-executable class (doesn't have the $execute and the $ functions) and can only used as an item in the input array for the transactWrite function.


The transactWrite function receives an array of non-executed instances of the Checker, Deleter, Putter and/or Updater classes.

Full usage of transactWrite

const result = await db("") // The table name passed in here is not important and can be an empty string
      .check({ id: "A" })
      .if(gt("age", 0))
      .delete({ id: "C" })
      .put({ id: "D" })
      .update({ id: "B" })
      .add("age", 2)
      .increment("age", 1)
      .prepend("tags", 1)
      .decrement("counter", 1)
      .assign({ name: "Bob" })
      .append("links", "local")
  .$execute(); // This function will set the return type to TransactWriteItemsOutput

Usual usage of transactWrite

const result = await db("") // The table name passed in here is not important and can be an empty string
    db("users-table").check({ id: "A" }).if(gt("age", 0)),
    db("users-table").delete({ id: "C" }),
    db("users-table").put({ id: "D" }),
    db("users-table").update({ id: "B" }).assign({ name: "Bob" }),
  .$(); // This function will set the return type to TransactWriteItemsOutput


The transactGet function receives an array of non-executed instances of the Getter class.

Full usage of transactGet

const result = await db("") // The table name passed in here is not important and can be an empty string
      .get({ id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
      .get({ id: "502132ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
      .get({ id: "491021ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" })
  // Can receive a boolean which if set to true returns the raw response instead
  // of the data item only
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  .$execute(true); // If you pass true to this function it will set the return type to TransactGetItemsOutput

Usual usage of transactGet

const result = await db("") // The table name passed in here is not important and can be an empty string
    db("users-table").get({ id: "613243ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" }),
    db("users-table").get({ id: "502132ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" }),
    db("games-table").get({ id: "491021ec-04db-450b-b654-108231637ca5" }),
  // You cannot pass in true and set the type at the same time. The typescript will complain about the parameter type.
  // Pay attention to the fact that your type must state that it is an array
  .$<[User, User, Game]>(); // If you don't pass true and don't set the type the function will set the return type to DynamoDB.ItemList


Getting the count of items in the table

For the rarest cases when you want to get the count of the element in the table the most optimal approach is using a scan function and selecting a non-existing property like _ or similar to return empty values for the items. That will allow the database to return far more many items in one call round in under the 1 MB limit of the request.


Pagination is quite easy using the limit function on the scan and query requests. If you don't pass the exclusiveStartKey property to the limit function, the request will return the "1st page" of the request. All the subsequent requests can receive the last element's key from the previous page. The database will return another array of items right after the exclusiveStartKey.

Versioning changes


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago