Deploy AWS Lambda functions from command line using a json or yaml config file.
Deploy AWS Lambda functions from command line using a json or yaml config file.
Use existing web application frameworks in serverless environments
Serverless plugin for managing custom domains with API Gateways.
Serverless Python Requirements Plugin
A Serverless plugin to define IAM Role statements as part of the function definition block
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Serverless dynamodb local plugin
Serverless plugin to expose git status to serverless services
serverless plugin that can configure a lambda with a dead letter queue or topic
Deploy your serverless static website to AWS S3.
Add external folders to the deploy package
Serverless WSGI Plugin
A Serverless plugin to transport logs to ElasticSearch
Serverless Plugin to modify VPC values
Serverless Sentry Plugin - Automatically send errors and exceptions to Sentry (
Serverless plugin for encrypting secrets using KMS
Serverless Plugin to generate a VPC
Serverless Sentry Lib - Automatically send errors and exceptions to Sentry (
A Serverless plugin that makes creation of per function IAM roles easier
Serverless plugin for test driven development using mocha