1.0.0 • Published 5 months ago

emoji-code-converter v1.0.0

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5 months ago

��# Emoji Code Converter The emoji-code-converter provides a convenient utility for converting emoji codes to their corresponding Unicode characters. With a simple function call, developers can seamlessly transform emoji codes within text strings into expressive Unicode emojis, enriching the user experience across various applications and platforms.


You can install the package via npm:

npm install emoji-code-converter


  1. Import the package in your .mjs file:
import convertEmojiCodes from 'emoji-code-converter';
  1. Define a sentence with emoji codes:
let sentence = ":smiling_face_with_sunglasses: When you finally fix that bug after hours of debugging :bug, and the code runs perfectly on the first try :rocket.";
  1. Call the function to replace emoji codes:
  1. Console output:
=��: When you finally fix that bug after hours of debugging =��, and the code runs perfectly on the first try =؀�.

Enjoy converting emoji codes with ease!