0.4.1 • Published 7 years ago

ethereum-status-codes v0.4.1

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7 years ago

ESC . ... -.-.

Ethereum Status Codes

Broadly applicable status codes for Ethereum smart contracts

CircleCI Maintainability

Table of Contents



Smart contracts are largely intended to be autonomous. While each contract may define a specific interface, having a common set of semantic codes can help developers write code that can react appropriately to various situations.

Semantically Rich

HTTP status codes are widely used for this purpose. BEAM languages use atoms and tagged tuples to signify much the same information. Both provide a lot of information both to the programmer (debugging for instance), and to the program that needs to decide what to do next.

ESCs convey a much richer set of information than booleans, and are able to be reacted to autonomously unlike arbitrary strings.

User Feedback

Since status codes are finite and known in advance, we can provide global, human-readable sets of status messages. These may also be translated into any language, differing levels of technical detail, added as revert messages, natspecs, and so on.

We also see a desire for this in transactions, and there's no reason that ESCs couldn't be used by the EVM itself.



ESCs are encoded as a byte. Hex values break nicely into high and low nibbles: category and reason. For instance, hex"01" stands for general success and hex"00" for general failure.

byte is quite lightweight, and can be easily packed with multiple codes into a bytes32 (or similar) if desired. It is also easily interoperable with uint8, cast from enums, and so on.

Human Readable

Developers should not be required to memorize 256 codes. However, they break nicely into a table. Cognitive load is lowered by organizing the table into categories and reasons. 0x10 and 0x11 belong to the same category, and 0x04 shares a reason with 0x24

While this repository includes helper enums, we have found working directly in the hex values to be quite natural. ESC 0x10 is just as comfortable as HTTP 401, for example.


The 0xA category is reserved for application-specific statuses. In the case that 256 codes become insufficient, bytes1 my be embedded in larger byte arrays.

Code Table

X. Low Nibble0. Generic10. Permission20. Find/Match/&c30. Negotiation / Offers40. Availability50. CryptographyF0. Off Chain
0. Failure0x00 Failure0x10 Disallowed0x20 Not Found0x30 Other Party Disagreed0x40 Unavailable or Expired0xE0 Decrypt Failure0xF0 Off Chain Failure
1. Success0x01 Success0x11 Allowed0x21 Found0x31 Other Party Agreed0x41 Available0xE1 Decrypt Success0xF1 Off Chain Success
2. Accepted / Started0x02 Accepted / Started0x12 Requested Permission0x22 Match Request Sent0x32 Sent Offer0xE2 Signed0xF2 Off Chain Process Started
3. Awaiting Others0x03 Awaiting0x13 Awaiting Permission0x23 Awaiting Match0x33 Awaiting Their Ratification0x43 Not Yet Available0xE3 Other Party Signature Required0xF3 Awaiting Off Chain Completion
4. Action Required / Awaiting You0x04 Action Required0x14 Awaiting Your Permission0x34 Awaiting Your Ratification0x44 Awaiting Your Availability*0xE4 Your Signature Required0xF4 Off Chain Action Required
F. Meta/Info0x0F Metadata Only0xFF Data Source is Off Chain (ie: no guarantees)
  • Unused regions are available for further extension or custom codes
  • You may need to scroll the tables horizontally (they're pretty wide)

Example Sequence Diagrams

0x03 = Waiting
0x31 = Other Party (ie: not you) Agreed
0x41 = Available
0x43 = Not Yet Available


AwesomeCoin                 DEX                     TraderBot
     +                       +                          +
     |                       |       buy(AwesomeCoin)   |
     |                       | <------------------------+
     |         buy()         |                          |
     | <---------------------+                          |
     |                       |                          |
     |     Status [0x43]     |                          |
     +---------------------> |   Status [0x03, 0x43]    |
     |                       +------------------------> |
     |                       |                          |
     |                       |        isDoneYet()       |
     |                       | <------------------------+
     |                       |                          |
     |                       |    Status [0x03, 0x43]   |
     |                       +------------------------> |
     |                       |                          |
     |                       |                          |
     |     Status [0x41]     |                          |
     +---------------------> |                          |
     |                       |                          |
     |       buy()           |                          |
     | <---------------------+                          |
     |                       |                          |
     |                       |                          |
     |     Status [0x31]     |                          |
     +---------------------> |      Status [0x31]       |
     |                       +------------------------> |
     |                       |                          |
     |                       |                          |
     |                       |                          |
     |                       |                          |
     +                       +                          +
0x01 = Generic Success
0x10 = Disallowed
0x11 = Allowed

                                              Token Validation

           Buyer                  RegulatedToken           TokenValidator               IDChecker          SpendLimiter
             +                          +                         +                         +                   +
             |        buy()             |                         |                         |                   |
             +------------------------> |          check()        |                         |                   |
             |                          +-----------------------> |          check()        |                   |
             |                          |                         +-----------------------> |                   |
             |                          |                         |                         |                   |
             |                          |                         |         Status [0x10]   |                   |
             |                          |       Status [0x10]     | <-----------------------+                   |
             |        throw/revert      | <-----------------------+                         |                   |
             | <------------------------+                         |                         |                   |
             |                          |                         |                         |                   |
+---------------------------+           |                         |                         |                   |
|                           |           |                         |                         |                   |
| Updates ID with provider  |           |                         |                         |                   |
|                           |           |                         |                         |                   |
+---------------------------+           |                         |                         |                   |
             |                          |                         |                         |                   |
             |         buy()            |                         |                         |                   |
             +------------------------> |        check()          |                         |                   |
             |                          +-----------------------> |         check()         |                   |
             |                          |                         +-----------------------> |                   |
             |                          |                         |                         |                   |
             |                          |                         |       Status [0x11]     |                   |
             |                          |                         | <-----------------------+                   |
             |                          |                         |                         |                   |
             |                          |                         |                         |   check()         |
             |                          |                         +-------------------------------------------> |
             |                          |                         |                         |                   |
             |                          |                         |                         |  Status [0x11]    |
             |                          |       Status [0x11]     | <-------------------------------------------+
             |        Status [0x01]     | <-----------------------+                         |                   |
             | <------------------------+                         |                         |                   |
             |                          |                         |                         |                   |
             |                          |                         |                         |                   |
             |                          |                         |                         |                   |
             +                          +                         +                         +                   +