ERC-20 token ABI
ERC-20 token ABI
Non-fungible token standard implementation for the Ethereum blockchain.
CLI tool to validate an ERC (following the o2r specification)
Fungible token standard implementation for the Ethereum blockchain.
Ethereum status codes and helpers
The clearing process turns the promise of a transfer into the actual movement of money from one account to another.
An extension to the ERC-20 standard token, which allows tokens to be put on hold. This guarantees a future transfer and makes the held tokens unavailable for transfer in the mean time. Holds are similar to escrows in that are firm and lead to final settle
Smart contract status codes and helpers
An on-chain system for providing accurate and understandable user feedback by converting machine-efficient codes into human-readable strings in any language or phrasing
An on-chain system for providing culturally and linguistically accurate user feedback by converting machine-efficient codes into human-readable strings in any language or phrasing.
An extension to the ERC-20 standard token that allows Token wallet owners to request a wallet to be funded, by calling the smart contract and attaching a fund instruction string.
An extension to the ERC-20 standard token that allows Token wallet owners to request payout from their wallet, by calling the smart contract and attaching a payout instruction string.
Xcert token implementation for the Ethereum blockchain.
Non-fungible token standard implementation for the Ethereum blockchain.
erc1155 ABI
ERC-20 token ABI
In this guide, we'll be setting up an ERC-20 token on the Goerli test network - start thinking what name you would like to name your very own ERC-20!
In this guide, we'll be setting up an ERC-20 token on the Goerli test network - start thinking what name you would like to name your very own ERC-20!
In this guide, we'll be setting up an ERC-20 token on the Goerli test network - start thinking what name you would like to name your very own ERC-20!