1.1.6 • Published 2 years ago
ethfs-sdk v1.1.6
EthStorage upload file sdk.
With npm do
$ npm install ethfs-sdk
The specific usage tutorial can be accessed here.
Get Signer
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
const signer = provider.getSigner();
const rpc = "https://galileo.web3q.io:8545";
const privateKey = "0x...";
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpc);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
Create FlatDirectory
import {createDirectory} from "ethfs-sdk";
const signer = getSigner();
const directoryAddress = await createDirectory(signer);
// 0xC7c5CB39D5be1626c782C980b6008AC157DbC49d
Upload file
import {upload} from "ethfs-sdk";
const signer = getSigner();
const contract = "0xC7c5CB39D5be1626c782C980b6008AC157DbC49d";
const fileName = "0.jpeg";
const fileSize = 1024;
const content = Buffer;
// "" means the file is in the root directory
const dirPath = "test/";
const directoryPath = dirPath + fileName;
// callback, can be null
const onProgress = (chunkIndex, totalChunk, fileName) => {
// ...
const onSuccess = (fileName) => {
// ...
const onError = (message) => {
// ...
await upload(signer, contract, directoryPath, fileSize, content,
onProgress, onSuccess, onError);
// file path: 0xC7c5CB39D5be1626c782C980b6008AC157DbC49d/test/0.jpeg