2.1.1 • Published 3 years ago

event-source-hook v2.1.1

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  • Intercept new connections
    • Change connection URL
  • Intercept incoming events
    • Modify events (data, origin, id, etc.)
    • Block events
  • Simulate incoming events


Install with npm:

npm install --save event-source-hook

Install in a browser:

Note: these scripts are polyfilled, so it should run on every browser supporting EventSource API.


⚠️ You must load and enable the library first, to be able to spoof native EventSource before other libraries or code instantiate it.

1. Enable the library after importing it

This applies the patch to the native EventSource constructor.

In Node:

import ESHook from "event-source-hook";

In a browser:

// In a browser, the library object is exposed globally.

2. Intercept new connections

Attach a hook function to listen each new opening connection. You can save EventSource instances for later use if you wish.

const connections = [];

ESHook.createHook = (eventSource) => {
  console.log("New connection:", eventSource);

3. Change a connection URL

Attach a hook function to change a connection URL just before a new connection is established.

ESHook.urlHook = (url) => {
  if (url === "http://a-url") {
    url = "http://new-url";

  return url;

4. Simulate an event

You can simulate an incoming MessageEvent. It will be handled as if it were an genuine event received from the server.
It is required to specify on which connection you want to simulate the event.

// Connection where the event should be received.
const eventSource = connections[0];
// Event type: can be anything.
const type = "message";
// Event options.
// See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MessageEvent/MessageEvent#options
const options = {
  data: { foo: "bar" },
  lastEventId: "id",

ESHook.simulate(eventSource, type, options);

Note: the simulated property is set to true on the MessageEvent object. Thus, it is possible to detect the simulated event like in section 4 just below.

5. Intercept, then modify or block an event

Attach a hook function to listen for incoming MessageEvent just before the native EventSource receives them.
Note: the hook function can be synchronous or asynchronous (see, below examples).

You can modify all event object's properties (such as data, lastEventId) as it is mutable.

Return the (modified) event or null to block the event.

EventSourceHook.eventHook = (type, event, eventSource) => {
  // Block incoming events with type `message`.
  if (type === "message") {
    return null;

  // Modify incoming events data from URL `https://test`.
  if (eventSource.url === "https://test") {
    const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
    data.foo = "new value";
    event.data = JSON.stringify(data);

    return event;

  // Detect simulated events.
  if (event.simulated) {
    console.log("This event was simulated by the library.");

  // Leave the other events as they are.
  return event;

To make the hook function asynchronous, include the optional result callback parameter, and call it to return the (modified) event or null to block the event.

Example with a promise:

EventSourceHook.eventHook = (type, event, eventSource, result) => {
  // Block incoming events with type `message`.
  if (type === "message") {

  // Modify incoming events data from URL `http://test`.
  if (eventSource.url === "https://test") {
    fetchData().then((data) => {
      event.data = JSON.stringify(data);


  // Leave the other events as they are.

Example with async/await:

EventSourceHook.eventHook = async (type, event, eventSource, result) => {
  const thing = await something();

  if (thing) {
    event.data = thing;
  } else {

Reset hooks

You can disable hooks by setting null.

ESHook.urlHook = null;
ESHook.createHook = null;
ESHook.eventHook = null;


View API docs.