JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
Mock http requests made using fetch (or isomorphic-fetch)
Mocking library for TypeScript
A minimal test double library for TDD with JavaScript
A simple mocking library for TypeScript
A PassThrough stream that keeps track of last line written
Simple request and response mock objects to pass into Express routes when testing using Sinon.
Jest wrapper for fetch-mock, a comprehensive stub for fetch
Typescript transformer to unlock automatic mock creation for interfaces and classes
A debugging library for RxJS
A through2 wrapper to for simple stream.PassThrough spies.
A through2 wrapper that just receives chunks and nothing else.
Write Beautiful Specs with Custom Matchers for Jest
Super simple stubs and spies with 1-step sandbox restore
A simple and pragmatic library for testing Node.js console output.
Moq library for Typescript inspired by c# moq
Jasmine matcher for use with testdouble.js's verify() function
A Chai plugin providing assertions on the order of Sinon spy calls
Assertion sugar for testdouble.js's verify() function
test helpers for working with Node.js' http2 module