0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

express-crendential v0.0.1

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Authentication Middleware Build Status


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Simple, production-level express (connect) middleware.

How to install

  • With yarn: yarn add connect-authentication.
  • With npm: npm install --save connect-authentication.


makeAuthMiddleware(encoder, decoder, strategy): returns the connect-middleware for authentication.

  • encoder(user): Promise<IPayload> (required): this function encodes user to a payload (to be stored in session or returned JWT). Returned payload should be an object which can be serialized with JSON.stringify. Because the returned payload can be exposed to client (with jwtStrategy), it should not contain secret information such as user password.
  • decoder(payload): Promise<IUser | void> (required): takes the returned payload from encoder, returns the user data (or undefined if not found). This returned data will be stored in server only. It is safe to returned protected/secret data by this function.
  • strategy (required): strategy returned by sessionStrategy() or jwtStrategy() or your own custom strategy.

sessionStrategy(options): return a strategy based on server session. This strategy requires express-session to be installed.

  • options: {expire, key} (optional, default: {}):
    • expire: number (optional, default: 14 days in milisec): the duration (in milisec) of a login session. Highly recommend ms package.
    • key: string (optional, default: __auth): the key used to store the login payload in req.session.
  • jwtStrategy(options): return a token-based strategy (JSON Web Token). This strategy assumes that the token is placed in the Authorization header of the request with Bearer(case sensitive) prefix. Like Authorization: Bearer <token>.
    • options: {secret, alg, expire} (required)
    • secret: string (required): a securely random string, represent the secret for HMAC algorithm, or the PEM encoded public key for RSA and ECDSA. This secret will be passed to jws's functions.
    • alg: string (optional, default 'HS256''): algorithm used to sign the payload. Supported algorithms: HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512, ES256, ES384, ES512. Refer to jws.ALGORITHMS.
    • expire: number (optional, default 14 days in milisec): same as sessionStrategy.

After applying the middleware returned by makeAuthMiddleware(), there will be three properties added to the request req

  • req.user: IUser | undefined: user data (returned by decoder) or undefined if user is not logged in (or with an invalid/expired credential).
  • req.login(user?: IUser)?: Promise<IToken>: log the user in and (optionally) return a token. If user is undefined (or falsy), log out the current user.
  • req.logout(): alias for req.login(undefined)

Custom strategy

Custom strategy passed to makeAuthMiddleware must implement following interface

interface IStrategy<IPayload, IToken> {
	setPayload: (req: Request, payload?: IPayload) => Promise<IToken | void> | IToken | void
	getPayload: (req: Request) => Promise<IPayload | void>
  • setPayload(req, payload): take the request and payload, optionally return a promise resolving a token. This token will be resolved by req.login().
  • getPayload(req): take a request and return a payload if exist.

Usage example

import express from 'express'
import {makeAuthMiddleware, jwtStrategy, sessionStrategy} from 'connect-authentication'
import session from 'express-session'
import bodyParser from 'body-parser'
import asyncMiddleware from 'middleware-async'

const app = express()
app.use(bodyParser.json(), session(), makeAuthMiddleware(sessionStrategy())) // in case of jwtStrategy, session() middleware is optional
app.post('/login', asyncMiddleware(async (req, res) => {
    const {body: {username, password}} = req
    const user = await findUser(username)
    if (user.comparePassword(password)) {
        await req.login(user)
        res.send('login success')//in case of jwtStrategy, response the client with the token returned by req.login().
    } else res.json('wrong credential')
app.get('/user', (req, res) => {
//in case of jwtStrategy, the client must put the returned token from POST /login, in Authentication header with 'Bearer ' prefix.
    if (req.user) res.send(JSON.stringify(req.user))
    else res.send('user not logged in')
app.get('/logout', asyncMiddleware(async (req, res) => {
    await req.logout()
    res.send('user has been logged out')