1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago
express-eslit v1.0.0
Express ESLit
Express ESLit is a Express plugin that lets you create templates with embedded JavaScript expressions using ESLit.
<!-- views/index.html -->
<h1>${ heading }</h1>
${ people.map((person) => `<tr>
<td>${ person.given }</td>
<td>${ person.family }</td>
</tr>`) }
ESLit templates are easy to use because they’re nothing more than web standardized ES6 Template Strings with Promise support.
import express from 'express';
import eslit from 'express-eslit';
const app = express();
app.engine('html', eslit);
app.set('views', 'views');
app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.render('index', {
locals: {
heading: Promise.resolve('Guest List'),
people: [{
given: 'Martin',
family: 'Brody'
}, {
given: 'Bruce',
family: 'Shark'
Keeps things simple.
<h1>Guest List</h1>
Add Express ESLit to your build tool.
npm install express-eslit --save-dev
import eslit from 'express-eslit';
app.engine('html', eslit);
res.render('index', {
locals: { /* data */ },
options: { /* options */ }
- data: the keys used as variables by the template.
- Options
- cwd: the path used by imports (default:
). - prefixes: the file prefixes sometimes used by imports (default:
[ "_" ]
). - extensions: the file extensions sometimes used by imports (default:
[ ".html", ".jsx" ]
). - globopts: the options passed into node-glob.
- cwd: the path used by imports (default:
- Paths are relative to the current file or the current working directory.
- Paths may use glob patterns or omit prefixes and extensions
- Node modules are supported, using the package
keys, or by usingindex.html
Syntax Helpers
Sublime Text
- Install the Babel Package.
- Select Tools > Developer > New Syntax.
- Paste this syntax.
- Save the file as
Lit Template (Babel).sublime-syntax
7 years ago