Compile and resolve template strings notation as specified in ES6
Compile and resolve template strings notation as specified in ES6
Parse template literals from code
Minify HTML template literal strings
Rollup plugin to minify HTML template literal strings
A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative
ES6 Tagged Template for compiling HTML template strings.
functions to help deal with object literals
Sqorn Untyped Query Library
Sqorn Untyped Query Builder
Write templates with embedded JavaScript expressions
Minifies HTML template literal strings
Minify HTML template literal strings
library to render es6 template base on objects
A noop template literal tag, useful for syntax highlighting hints.
module for webpack
ES6 Template Strings + Promises
Gulp wrapper for the 'minify-html-literals' package.
Switch evaluation with tagged template literals
Syntax highlighting for template strings in Atom
Parser combinators library for parsing ecmascript tagged template literals