1.0.2 • Published 6 years ago
express-guard v1.0.2
Express Guard
Express Guard (express-guard) allows you to manage the requests made to your express server. It's built to be simple and has a powerful syntax.
With Express Guard, you only have to define allowed Features (such as 'viewPosts', 'removePost'...) for different user Roles (such as 'admin', 'postOwner').
Then when a request is made to your server, the middleware will check the corresponding access policy and return a result based on the user's permissions.
Getting started
1. Import Guard and define your roles
const Guard = require('express-guard');
const authenticated = new Guard.Role('authenticated', {
can: ['viewPost', 'editPost', 'logout'],
func: async (req) => {
// Perform some logic to compute your role policy.
const result = await Promise.resolve('someresult');
if (result === 'someresult') {
return true; // will have role 'authenticated'
return false; // will not match this role
const guest = new Guard.Role('guest', {
can: ['login'], // they can't do anything except login
func: async (req) => {
// because we define roles one by one, we can use
// a previously defined role to compute this one.
// Here a guest is someone who is not authenticated.
const res = await !authenticated.func(req);
return res;
// Because we define roles one by one, we can use
// a previously defined role to compute this one.
const admin = new Guard.Role('admin', {
can: ['*'], // An admin can do everything!
func(req) { return unauthenticated.func(req); },
2. Add your roles to guard instance
const guard = new Guard();
// Add roles one by one
// Or using an array
guard.roles = [authenticated, admin];
3. Use guard middleware
const app = express();
const router = express.Router();
// example 1
// regarding our config both admin and authenticated users
// have access to this route.
guard.requireAny('viewPost', '*'),
(req, res) => {
// your route handler
// example 2
// regarding our config, only admin has access to this route
guard.requireAny('removePost', '*'),
(req, res) => {
// your route handler
Error handling
Since Guard acts as a middleware it calls next(err)
The err
argument is nothing but an Error()
This instance contains a property called isGuard
which is a Boolean. It can help you to catch the error in an error handler middleware as follow:
// Your error handler file
const errorHandler = (err, req, res, next) => {
if (err.isGuard) {
// custom logic if error comes from Guard.
// Yout want probably send a forbidden status
// with a custom message. Something like:
// res.status = 403;
// res.send({ message: 'You can not access this ressource' });
// Other stuff here.